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Training workshop on Introduction of Integrating Agriculture into National Adaptation Plans in Viet Nam
1-2 December 2016
Hanoi, Viet Nam

As one of the countries most adversely affected by climate change, the issue figures prominently in all key national development strategies and plans in Viet Nam. Just six months after Viet Nam ratified the Paris Agreement, the Prime Minister approved an ambitious and comprehensive Plan for Implementation of the Paris Agreement in October 2016, which included as a priority developing a NAP.

The cost of adapting to climate change is estimated to be 3% to 5% of GDP by the year 2030. However, with competing demand for resources, it is critically important that various climate adaptation actions are prioritized and mainstreamed into all relevant development and budget plans with a results-based monitoring and evaluation system to ensure achievement of sustainable outcomes.

Using exercises and case studies to enhance interactive learning, this two-day workshop built the knowledge and capacities of stakeholders at national and local levels to undertake adaptation planning in the agricultural sector. Over 80 participants representing the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development from three provinces (Quang Binh, Binh Dinh, Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan); the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE), and the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) took part, as well as representative of civil society and agricultural research institutes. In supporting the Government to prepare its National Adaptation Plan (NAP), UNDP’s climate planning and finance experts led the training, supported by GIZ, SNV and FAO. The workshop facilitated a discussion on multi-stakeholder collaboration through a better understanding of the elements of the NAP process, and presented lessons and tools to address topics such as: stock taking and prioritizing adaptation options, understanding how climate change will affect society and agricultural livelihoods, how to undertake cost-benefit analysis integrating climate risk, how to integrate climate adaptation programmes into budgeting and financing plans, and how to take into account climate risk and disaster risk in local and provincial level development plans.

Key Results

  • Significant gains in participants’ level of understanding on various aspects of adaptation planning
  • Workshop-related materials and discussion to guide a NAP road map that integrates concerns of sector.
  • Increased understanding of monitoring and evaluation of climate adaptation processes.


Agenda and session descriptions


The Paris Agreement Implementation Plan includes four key activities to be implemented over the period 2016 – 2020: (1) Updating a risk and vulnerability assessment with estimates of losses and damage from climate change impacts, and strengthening adaptation database, database management, and data analysis and dissemination; (2) Implementation of adaptation components of the five-year Socio-Economic Development Plan (2016 – 2020); (3) Implementation of investment activities for climate change adaptation with co-benefits; and (4) Implementation of other adaptation activities to increase resilience and livelihood of the people including programs/projects in agricultural sector including fishery and forestry subsector.


NAP Training Viet Nam - Session 2 Conceptual Understanding of the NAP Process


NAP Training Viet Nam - Vulnerability and Adapting to Climate Change



Glenn Hodes, Climate Policy and Finance Specialist,