Presentations & recordings now available.
Wednesday, 27 September @ 11:00 CET | Rome, Italy
The NAP-Ag Webinar on Integrating Climate Change Risks into Planning and Budgeting provided an overview of how climate change adaptation can be integrated into national planning and budgeting, with particular reference to the agriculture sectors (crops and livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquacultures). Presenters shared country experiences in climate change planning and budgeting and introduced tools and approaches available for climate change budgeting and tracking. This webinar is part of the NAP-Ag programme’s ongoing e-learning initiatives that will include an upcoming Massive Open Online Course on National Adaptation Plans: Building Climate Resilience in Agriculture.
Introduction to the Webinar - Claudia Garcia
Integrating Climate Change Risks into Planning and Budgeting
Rohini Kohli, Lead Technical Specialist, NAP Global Support Programme, Glenn Hodes, Climate Change Policy & Finance Specialist, UNDP
- Climate change adaptation should be integrated into the full planning and budgeting cycles, at national and subnational levels
- Integration maximizes use of existing systems
- Institutional arrangements and capacity development are important aspects of risk informed planning, budgeting and monitoring systems and processes
- A range of tools and approaches are available for integrating adaptation
- Important to pick the right tools that can be used in a sustainable way
- Embedding adaptation into budget systems enables moving towards multi-year budget plans that can generate more sustained and predictable resources to implement medium- to long-term adaptation strategies
- The National Adaptation Plan process is on the opportunities for countries to strengthen risk management
Integrating Adaptation into Planning and Budgeting in Bangladesh
Saleem Huq, Director of the International Centre for Climate Change & Development (ICCCAD) Bangladesh
- Bangladesh NAPA submitted in 2005 (updated 2009). Built on a large participatory exercise. Prioritised adaptation options were submitted to the LDC Fund.
- 2009: Finance Minister commissioned the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP). Government funding invested, up to 100 million dollars every year over the past ten years has been allocated to implementation of BCCSAP, mainly for adaptation, under the Bangladesh CC Trust Fund
- BCCSAP can be seen as a NAP as it is effectively a long-term mainstreaming exercise.
- Bangladesh is integrating climate change into its 5-year National Development Plans.
- A longer-term plan, Vision 2041, is under development by Planning Commission. Bangladesh wishes to graduate out of LDC bracket. Opportunity for integrating NAP.
- International Resilience Fund governed by international donors also supports actions identified under BCCSAP
- BSAP has funded over 100 projects
- Future aims include: the full integration of adaptation into development planning and tracking climate finance
Integration of adaptation into agriculture sector planning and budgeting in Viet Nam

- Tools for adaptation decision making should help promote sound risk management (within buffers/margins) not perfectly predict the future
- One size does not fit all. Farmer level tools are generally not helpful to national level planners and vice versa
- Need to be specific: what aspect of climate change are you trying to reflect at what scale
- Need to realistic in expectations: Avoid over-confidence in data. Try to create tools that planners can use to do their job better
- Build on government systems: Stand-alone external processes most likely will not be taken up- even if they are “better” and “more accurate”
- Recognise that everyone is learning: Tools need to evolve over time, and be able to integrate improvements in climate data & methodologies.
- Public expenditure reviews can help make climate change tangible to government
Extended Learning