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UNDP Climate Promise

The Climate Promise is UNDP’s response to the climate challenge. Tackling the climate crisis requires all countries to make bold pledges under the Paris Agreement, or NDCs, to reduce emissions of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming and strengthen adaptation to its impacts.

Learning for nature

Learning for Nature is a premier e-learning programme brought to you by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). This programme connects biodiversity policymakers, change-makers, and on-the-ground subject matter experts to facilitate: 1) the delivery of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and 2) the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Climate Technology Centre and Network

The CTCN is the operational arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism, hosted by the UN Environment Programme and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The Centre promotes the accelerated transfer of environmentally sound technologies for low carbon and climate resilient development at the request of developing countries. We provide technology solutions, capacity building and advice on policy, legal and regulatory frameworks tailored to the needs of individual countries by harnessing the expertise of a global network of technology companies and institutions.

UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion

The United Nations Alliance for Sustainable Fashion is an initiative of United Nations agencies and allied organizations designed to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals through coordinated action in the fashion sector. Specifically, the Alliance works to support coordination between UN

Climate 2020 - UNDP

'The defining threat of our time'

The period from now until 2020 is critical to the success of the Paris Agreement on climate change. UN Secretary-General António Guterres calls it “the defining threat of our time”, and we should see no end to the urgency and action needed to address it.

Early Warning Systems Toolkit

The new and improved Toolkit presents a compilation of guidance and operational documents in an online platform, which can act as an information resource for sector practitioners, policy and decision-makers’ access to information for developing and/or strengthening early warning systems (hydro-meteorological and coastal hazards) within the Caribbean context. 

Climate Finance Options

The Climate Finance Options website provides comprehensive guidance on the numerous funding sources and financial tools for climate action in developing countries. Information is available on the wide range of funds from multilateral and bilateral institutions, as well as public and private sources, for climate change mitigation and adaptation projects. Project case studies illustrate the innovative and effective use of these funds on the ground in developing countries. A knowledge center contains a multitude of relevant financial tools, documents, and links.

Voluntary REDD+ Database

The Voluntary REDD+ Database provides information on REDD+ financing, actions and results that has been reported to the REDD+ Partnership. It aims to improve effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and coordination of REDD+ initiatives; and to support efforts to identify and analyze gaps and overlaps in REDD+ financing. The Database relies solely on data voluntarily submitted by countries and institutions. The core data concerns “arrangements”: agreements to undertake REDD+ related actions, involving funders and recipients.

Energy Dashboard

The UNDP Energy Dashboard is a database that captures information on all energy projects in the field across a range of scales from the local level to the national, regional and global levels and covers projects from various programme funding including UNDP regular resources, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP), governments, private sector and civil society partners.