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Reducing risk and vulnerability to climate change in Colombia

Reducing risk and vulnerability to climate change in Colombia

With one of the highest rates of disaster occurrences in Latin America, Colombia experiences on average 2.97 disasters per year - floods and landslides accounted for a third of these between 1970-1999. The increasing intensity of these events has consequently pushed back advances in social development, leading to increased inequality and poverty. This UNDP-supported project, Reducing risk and vulnerability to climate change in the region of La Depresión Momposina in Colombia focused on the municipalities of Ayapel, San Marcos and San Benito Abad to reduce the vulnerabilities of communities and wetlands to climate-related flooding and drought risks. 

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    SDG 5
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    SDG 11
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Project details

Levels of intervention

  • Community

Source of funds

  • Adaptation Fund

Key implementers

  • Local Governments

Funding amounts

$ 8,518,307 (as detailed in the Project Proposal of May 2012)

Project partners

  • Colombia Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • Adaptation Fund


With one of the highest rates of disaster occurrences in Latin America, Colombia experiences on average 2.97 disasters per year - floods and landslides accounted for a third of these between 1970-1999. The increasing intensity of these events has consequently pushed back advances in social development, leading to increased inequality and poverty. This UNDP-supported project, Reducing risk and vulnerability to climate change in the region of La Depresión Momposina in Colombia focused on the municipalities of Ayapel, San Marcos and San Benito Abad to reduce the vulnerabilities of communities and wetlands to climate-related flooding and drought risks. 

Project details

Led by the Ministry of Environment, this project sought to reduce the vulnerability of communities to the risks of flooding and drought associated with climate change and increase the resilience of ecosystems in this region. Its main activities focused on the municipalities of Ayapel in Córdoba, San Marcos and San Benito Abad, Sucre.  This initiative was implemented in association with Local Climate Change Consolidation Platform, made up of community leaders and local institutions.   

Water Resources, Disaster Risk Reduction
Level of intervention
  • Community
Key collaborators
  • Local Governments
Primary beneficiaries:

Local communities in the municipalities of Ayapel, San Marcos and San Benito Abad

Implementing agencies and partnering organizations
  • Colombia Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • Adaptation Fund
Project status
Funding Source
Adaptation Fund
Financing amount
$ 8,518,307 (as detailed in the Project Proposal of May 2012)

Key results & output

The project objective was to reduce the vulnerability of communities and of wetlands in the region of La Depresion Momposina to flooding and drought risks associated with climate change and variability. To achieve this objective the project included the following four components:

  1. The existing hydroclimatological and environmental information system (HEIS) is strengthened and used by local- and regional-level stakeholders, reducing their exposure to the impacts of climate change.
  2. Wetlands and their hydrology in the target area are rehabilitated as a means of reducing risk to flooding and drought associated with climate change and variability.
  3. Increased adaptive capacity of local communities in three targeted municipalities through the introduction of agroecological practices that help reduce their vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.
  4. Institutional and policy capacity strengthened for mainstreaming climate risk management and adaptation measures into planning and decision-making processes. 

Reports & publications

Monitoring & evaluation

View Terminal Evaluation report (published in 2017) here on UNDP's Evaluation Resource Centre.

