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RMI faces mounting water challenges. New rainwater harvesting systems, governance and training are supporting access to this precious resource.
A water tank with palm trees in the background
With finance from the GCF, the project adopts an integrated, nature-based and climate-smart approach to managing flood risk.
A man in rubber boots takes a break from cleaning, sitting on a desk in a flood-damaged room, with muddy floors and water bottles nearby.
An overview of climate change’s direct impact on Thailand’s agriculture and vice versa, highlighting their inextricable link and mutual influence.
Graphic of Thailand's climate change impacts on the agriculture
With climate change, Lao PDR faces worsening droughts and floods. Solar-powered irrigation is offering a way forward.
Aerial view of a rural landscape in Lao PDR, with solar panels visible and a body of water
Press release: At an event for Turkmenistan's National Adaptation Plan, stakeholders explored how innovative technologies can address key challenges.
To rehabilitate the land, the community planted juniper trees, which have the dual benefits of reduced soil erosion and increased moisture retention.
The SCALA programme partners with Ethiopia’s Agriculture Ministry to connect public and private sectors in agriculture.
SCALA in Ethiopia at animal fattening farm in Adama