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We support over 40 countries in advancing their National Adaptation Plan processes


Since 2017, UNDP has been engaged with 37 countries in multi-year projects across Asia, Africa, Latin America and Central Europe on advancing National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) with funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness Programme. Adaptation planning and policy support under these programmes is integrally aligned to UNDP’s Climate Promise and support to NDC enhancement and implementation. The programmes are delivered in close cooperation with UNDP’s global, regional and country initiatives on climate, disaster risk reduction and SDG relevant portfolios. The current GCF-funded NAPs portfolio currently has 23 active projects under implementation and 14 projects that have successfully completed.


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This four-year initiative is working to integrate climate change adaptation into planning and budgeting processes for Thailand’s marine and coastal areas.
In Albania, Local Adaptation Plans have been key in aligning local priorities with national objectives and empowering communities to build resilience.