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Supporting developing countries to integrate the agricultural sectors into National Adaptation Plans: Colombia

Supporting developing countries to integrate the agricultural sectors into National Adaptation Plans: Colombia


Colombia is a country with a high vulnerability to climate change. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, agricultural production has been seriously affected due to the occurrence of extreme climate events, especially during phenomena such as La Niña and El Niño whose characteristics are strong periods of drought followed by intense rain. 
To tackle these challenges, the country is working to ensure that priority sectors are able to cope with and adapt to the effects of climate change.



Project details

Adaptation policies

Colombia launched its National Adaptation Plan (Plan Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático, PNACC) in 2012. This milestone document was followed in 2013 by a Road Map for the country’s National Adaptation Plan (Hoja de ruta para la elaboración de los planes de adaptación dentro del PNACC). With a NAP already in place, the country is now developing NAPs for different sectors, and agriculture is one of them. Colombia is also developing a set of adaptation indicators to monitor and evaluate impacts in selected territories, which will be incorporated into a national monitoring system and protocol. Colombia is together with Guatemala and Gambia, one of the three new NAP-Ag countries launched in 2017.

NAP-Ag activities

The NAP-Ag programme in Colombia has been developed under innovative and transformational approaches. The activities focus on strengthening the formulation process of the Climate Change Plan for the agricultural sector, that addresses adaptation and mitigation articulately, as well as focusing on the implementation of adaptation solutions at the family farming level and the establishment of a virtual platform for collaboration and exchange.
Developing a NAP for the agricultural sectors (ongoing)
In Colombia, the Programme is in the process of facilitating the development of the NAPs for the agricultural sectors and defining regional short-, medium- and long-term implementation strategies.
Talking about climate change at sub-national level (2018)
During April and May, four dialogues were facilitated in the Colombian cities of Montería (Córdoba), Ibagué (Tolima), Valledupar (Cesar) and Manizales (Caldas).
Participants discussed the effects of climate change on farmers' production and livelihoods, as well as the experiences around the development and appropriation of measures and actions to face the challenges of a changing climate. Furthermore, there were crucial discussions about the barriers and opportunities that producers are experiencing in their daily lives, especially as it applies to strategies to build adaptive capacity.
Integrating gender in national adaptation planning for agricultural sectors (2017) 
workshop was held in Bogota, Colombia, from 30 November to 1 December to begin the process of incorporating gender analysis into the adaptation planning process in Colombia. The workshop was organized with the objective of identifying opportunities to promote gender-responsive adaptation in the agricultural sector.
Climate finance (2017)
Colombia, Guatemala, Kenya, Nepal, the Philippines and Zambia took part in a study to review domestic data sources for climate finance to better understand how much the countries are allocating to climate change through their national public expenditures. More
Launch of NAP-Ag (2017)
The NAP-Ag programme was officially launched in Colombia on 11 August 2017. More
Key collaborators
  • National Governments
Implementing agencies and partnering organizations
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
  • Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Project status
Funding Source
Global Environment Facility - Least Developed Countries Fund


> Monitoreo y Evaluación para la adaptación al cambio climático del sector agropecuario

1 November 2018, Colombia - El Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural –MADR- en colaboración con el programa Integración de la Agricultura de los Planes Nacionales de Adaptación NAP-Ag en Colombia, un programa liderado por el PNUD y la FAO y financiado por el Gobierno de Alemania (BMU), realizó el taller sobre monitoreo y evaluación de la adaptación al cambio climático en el sector agropecuario los días miércoles 03 y jueves 04 de octubre en Bogotá. 

Talking about challenges and opportunities for adaptation to climate change in four regions of Colombia

26 June 2018, Colombia - During  April and May of 2018, the joint FAO-UNDP NAP-Ag programme facilitated dialogues in four Colombian cities. The dialogues are essential steps in updating Colombia's Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change in Agriculture, and have been pivotal in sharing and exchanging ideas and experiences around adaptation to climate change in the agricultural sector in four regions of Colombia.

Colombia workshop shares tools and methods to integrate gender approach into adaptation planning for agricultural sectors

19 December 2017, Bogota, Colombia - A workshop was held in Bogota, Colombia, from 30 November to 1 December to begin the process of incorporating gender analysis into adaptation planning process in Colombia. The workshop was organized with the objective of identify opportunities to promote gender-responsive adaptation in the agricultural sector. 

NAP-Ag Webinar: Tracking domestic climate finance flows in developing countries: lessons and challenges

26 October 2017 - In this webinar, experts from the Latin American and Caribbean Climate Finance Group (GFLAC), UNDP and the National Planning Department of Colombia, shared insights and lessons learned from a study conducted by the joint UNDP-FAO NAP-Ag programme in partnership with GFLAC on tracking domestic climate finance. The study and webinar sessions focused on adaptation climate financial flows in six countries: Colombia, Guatemala, Kenya, Nepal, The Philippines and Zambia.


MinAgricultura oficializa programa para preparar al campo frente al cambio climático en Colombia (HSB Noticias)

16 August 2017 - El Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, en alianza con la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), formalizaron el Programa de Integración de la Agricultura en los Planes Nacionales de Adaptación. El objetivo de este programa es que al término del próximo año el país cuente con una herramienta que le permita adelantar acciones de adaptación al cambio climático, tal y como confirmó el Ministro de Agricultura, Aurelio Iragorri. "El cambio climático es una realidad que todavía muchos no están dispuestos a asumir, pero desde que trazamos los lineamientos de la política Colombia Siembra, fue una obligación vincular la actividad agropecuaria con la protección del medio ambiente y la adaptación ante los efectos, en veces devastadores, de fenómenos climáticos que determinan la productividad rural", indicó Iragorri.


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