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CBA Kazakhstan - Kogal - Success Story

CBA Kazakhstan: Increased fodder production leads to improved cattle breeding

July 2011

The Southern village of Sadu Shakrov heavily relies on the cattle breeding and subsistence agriculture for their livelihoods.   However, during the last 10 years, reduced rainfall, increased temperatures, prolonged droughts, and intense hot winds have posed a serious barrier to development of animal husbandry in the region.  Declining water levels from the Talas River prevent the proper irrigation of agricultural plots and reduce the amount of viable pastures for cattle grazing. 

In the first year of the CBA project, “Autumn/winter irrigation as an adaptive mechanism for efficient use of water resources in Sadu Shakirov” community members are already seeing results.  The restoration of an irrigation canal and water-distributing gateways help the community save water from autumn to early spring seasons to assist in crop production.  So far, 30 tons of alfalfa hay and 30 tons of hay have been gathered from the irrigated lands, which is a 20-30% increase from previous years.  The hay harvest is able to provide forage for 500 heads of cattle for two (2) months and has increased cattle weight.  The improved livelihood has also allowed the communities to generate income and in the first year of the project they earned 1400 USD.