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Regional briefing on NAPs: Asia-Pacific in focus

Climate change is anticipated to have an increasing impact on human health, security, livelihoods, and poverty levels in Asia and the Pacific. Warming trends and temperature extremes have been observed throughout the region, whilst water scarcity is expected to become a major challenge. Food productivity and human security is projected to decline in many Asian countries. Sea level rise is likely to lead to further coastal erosion. For the lowlying islands of the Pacific, sea level rise is a significant climate change threat, impacting livelihoods, infrastructure, agriculture and water resources. Outbreaks of malaria and dengue are increasing in frequency. Both climatic and non-climatic drivers are affecting the extreme vulnerability of the Pacific region.
This Regional Briefing is based on the consultations and discussions of the AsiaPacific National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Training Workshop, which was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 20-21 October 2016. It aims to provide a brief overview of the NAP experiences of middle-income countries in the Asia and Pacific region (excluding Central Asia), and highlight emerging issues, challenges and opportunities. This Regional Briefing focuses in particular on the countries that participated in this workshop


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