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15-19 March 2016, Dili, Timor Leste: The 29th meeting of the LDC Expert Group (LEG) was held in Dili. The meeting brought together LEG members, and some outgoing members as resource persons, as well as representatives from the Adaptation Committee, the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and GEF agencies and regional centres and networks.

The meeting focused on the following:

·       Development of its first two-year work programme for 2016-17 under its new mandate

·       Exploring ways to address specific mandates from COP in relation to the Paris Agreement

·       Engaging GCF on how best to support developing countries to formulate and implement NAPs

·       GEF and its agencies' continued collaboration in providing support to LDCs.

·       Discussion with the Government of Timor-Leste on its efforts to address climate change

The joint UNDP-UNEP NAP-GSP agreed to continue collaborating with the LEG on a range of topics including the LEG and NAP-GSP regional workshops as well as leading a parallel session during the upcoming NAP-Expo.  

> Report of the 29th Meeting of LEG is available here