20 November 2016, Bangkok, Thailand: NAP-GSP is undertaking targetted support for climate change national adaptation planning processes. Strides have been made in advancing the NAP process in many countries during 2016, following a series of country missions which have been conducted by the NAP-GSP this year – covering 11 countries. NAP support is being provided in various forms on an ongoing basis, in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe – including assistance with stakeholder consultation, stocktaking, NAP roadmap formulation, sectoral prioritisation and cost-benefit analysis, amongst other forms of support.
Countries are all at different stages in their adaptation planning, and the support provided addresses the specific country context, in consultation with stakeholders and key partners.
Identifying adaptation priorities:
NAP-GSP has undertaken recent missions to identify adaptation priorities in Niger, Congo and DR Congo. In Niger, a NAP mission was conducted from 29 August to 2 September 2016, in Congo from 10-14 September 2016 and in DR Congo from 21-30 October 2016. Adaptation priorities were discussed and the main stakeholders were consulted. These adaptation priorities are to feed into proposals to assist in leveraging sources of finance to advance the NAP process in country.
NAP-GSP is providing stocktaking support in many countries, notably Kazakhstan and Côte d’Ivoire, where NAP-GSP is currently assisting the Government in stocktaking, to identify the key actions and financial needs to mainstream CCA. UNDP is also supporting Senegal and Burundi with initial NAP stocktaking and identification of needs regarding their adaptation planning and budgeting.
Prioritizing adaptation options using cost-benefit analysis:
A CBA Training Workshop for Ghana was provided by UNDP at the request of the Government of Ghana as a part of the NAP-GSP in October 2016. The aim of the training was to provide not only theoretical understanding of CBA but also practical CBA applications in climate change adaptation through presentations, discussion, and case studies to target participants some of whom could potentially become future trainers themselves.
Integration of climate change into development plans and budgets:
Kazakhstan requested support to develop a NAP, as a way to facilitate climate change mainstreaming. A NAP mission took place in October 2016 to identify relevant initiatives in climate mainstreaming and of the institutional framework and capacities relevant to the NAP process through a stakeholder roundtable, qualitative interviews and an extensive desk review. Uzbekistan also conducted an assessment of initiatives on climate mainstreaming, during a NAP-GSP mission in October 2016. The mission aimed to provide a snapshot of the currently available and intended planning capacities of the government agencies on climate adaptation planning in order to facilitate systematic mainstreaming of adaptation action in the country’s development planning process.
Formulating NAP roadmaps and work-plans
NAP-GSP continues to work with developing country governments to develop NAP roadmaps, most recently in Georgia and Uruguay, where country missions took place October 2016. In Georgia, this included a NAP Orientation Workshop for national stakeholders, followed by direct one-on-one meetings and consultations. The next steps will include formulation of a medium-term NAP roadmap and a stakeholders’ roadmap validation workshop. In Uruguay, the workshop identified strategic goals for the NAP process, and the activities and processes to serve as entry points for climate change adaptation integration. An indicative roadmap for development of the NAP process is now being prepared.