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About this webinar 

The level of advancement of monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) systems differs greatly across developing countries. Climate adaptation is inherently difficult to measure and depends on the selection of indicators that build on national information sources, ideally with cross-country comparisons. For developing countries, data-intensive adaptation MEL processes and monitoring efforts can add additional burden to already constrained adaptive capacities.

This webinar discussed the national and sectoral experiences on building monitoring, evaluation and learning systems, as well as global dimensions of gauging adaptation progress. With several countries advancing on their National Adaptation Plans, emerging insights were shared at the national level. Sectoral experiences and tools applied in agriculture were also presented.

With the inaugural Global Stock-take on Adaptation occurring in 2023, the webinar discussed issues related to measuring progress globally. It also looked forward to the next Global Stock-take in 2028 and the ground that is covered under the Glasgow-Sharm-el Sheikh Programme on the Global Goal for Adaptation. This webinar was co-organized by UNDP under the Adaptation Pipeline Accelerator (APA) initiative and FAO-UNDP Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through NDCs and NAPs (SCALA) Programme.



Moderator: Prakash Bista, UNDP Technical Specialist for NAPs 

The full webinar recording is available here

It was held in English with French and Spanish simultaneous interpretations.