COP 25
The UNFCCC has officially confirmed Madrid Spain as the host of COP25.
Location: Feria Madrid
Dates: 2 to 13 December 2019
The conference will take place under the Presidency of the Government of Chile and will be held with logistical support from the Government of Spain. The President-designate for the conference is Ms. Carolina Schmidt, Minister of Environment of Chile.
The UN Climate Change secretariat is now working closely with the Governments of Chile and Spain to organize the conference as efficiently and expeditiously as possible.
Every effort is being made to allow for a large participation and to maintain the scope of exhibition spaces and events as planned. The final list of side events and exhibits will be adjusted to the available space at the venue.
The UNFCCC secretariat will communicate information as soon as it becomes available. All information on the conference will be published on the website at
After the Government of Chile decided not to host COP25, Spain’s President Pedro Sánchez made the offer to host it on December 2nd-13th.
“Chile maintains it’s commitment for climate action and sustainable development, and will keep coordinating the Climate Ambition Alliance and working for carbon neutrality by 2050,” the COP25 designated president Carolina Schmidt said.
The planet is our home and we have to take care of it. It is #TimeForAction.
Events from our key partners
Green Climate Fund
GCF is part of the financial mechanism of the UNFCCC and serves the Paris Agreement. The Fund reports its activities to the Conference of the Parties, which in turn provides GCF with guidance on its operations.
GCF is holding two events as part of the official UNFCCC side events at COP25. The first will present key achievements and progress the GCF has made from 2015-2019 as well as discuss recommendations on how to incorporate lessons learned to help the Fund reach its full potential. The second event will explore how the replenishment of GCF can support the delivery of catalytic, strategic projects to support the achievement of more ambitious 2020 NDC commitments and to longer term paradigm shift to low-emission development.
GEF will present events across the COP. IISD Reporting Services Coverage, Notification to Parties and observer organizations with updated information regarding COP25. GEF Report to the COP, GEF Submission to Stocktake on pre-2020 Implementation and Ambition.
Adaptation Fund
The Adaptation Fund (AF) will have a strong presence again this year at COP25, including high profile side events on themes such as enhancing action, innovation, learning and cooperation in adaptation, a multimedia exhibit on Innovation and Youth Engagement in AF Projects, media events, and key meetings and panel discussions with key stakeholders, top global climate officials, national implementing partners and civil society. The Fund will promote the launch of a suite of new innovation, project scale-up and learning tools to help developing countries further access climate finance and foster more innovative adaptation practices and actions on the ground through both countries and the private sector.
COP25 Chilean Presidency
Chilean Presidency website:
Instagram: COP25CL
Twitter: COP25CL
Facebook: COP25CL
UN Climate Change