This e-tutorial introduces the concept of mainstreaming climate change adaptation into water resources.
The effects of climate change are observed through the scarcity or abundance of water which in turn has serious impacts on other key socio-economic sectors such as health, agriculture, energy and infrastructure. For any climate change adaptation planning to be done, it will be important for these sectors to consider their linkages with water resources.
This e-tutorial is a learning initiative of the joint UNDP-UN Environment National Adaptation Plan Global Support Programme (NAP-GSP), developed in association with the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). The e-tutorial is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
NAP-GSP has developed a training package on 'Mainstreaming climate change into water resources'. This e-tutorial introduces the main themes of this targeted training. The NAP-GSP Regional Training Workshop for Asia on 'Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Water Resources' took place in September 2017, in Seoul, Korea.
Who should take this course:
The engaged public and practitioners with an interest in better understanding the cross-sectoral linkages between water resources and climate change.
Policy-makers wanting to increase their understanding on how an integrated approach to water management can help adaptation across sectors and how it can be an entry-point for their National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
Policy-makers and experts attending the NAP-GSP face-to-face regional training on Mainstreaming climate change adaptation into water resources.