This e-tutorial introduces the concept of prioritising adaptation options during adaptation planning and implementation.
At the outset of any adaptation initiative, it is important to assess the implications of climate change on the natural systems (e.g. biodiversity) and the human society (e.g. human health) to determine how and to what extent they will be affected. There are a number of measures that can be implemented to reduce risk and vulnerability. Due to financial and human capacity constraints, not all actions can be implemented simultaneously and it is important to study the implications of all measures. Knowledge of the implications such as costs and benefits for each adaptation option will form part of the strategic decision-making process during adaptation planning.
This tutorial will introduce the process of appraisal and prioritisation and some tools that are used in the adaptation options appraisal process once adaptation options have been selected for consideration.
This e-tutorial is a learning initiative of the joint UNDP-UN Environment National Adaptation Plan Global Support Programme (NAP-GSP), developed in association with the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). The e-tutorial is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
Who should take this course:
Policy-makers and experts interested in increasing their knowledge on the appraisal and prioritisation phase of adaptation planning.
The engaged public and practitioners interested in having a basic understanding the tools and methods used in appraisal and prioritisation of adaptation options.
Policy-makers and experts attending the NAP-GSP face-to-face regional training on “Appraisal and prioritisation of adaptation options”.