Time: 15:00-16:30 Istanbul/Nairobi | 19:00-20:30 Bangkok | 7:00-8.30am NYC
About this webinar
Local communities are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and local governments require resources to help those directly affected, as well as to adapt and build resilience by developing context-specific solutions. Some local governments have a mandate to plan their adaptation efforts and raise funds, whereas others lack financial and human resources and decision-making authority to plan for and implement adaptation actions. Finally, climate change adaptation and its financing require collaboration and coordination between different levels of government.
As part of its support to the UN Secretary General led Adaptation Pipeline Accelerator (APA) initiative, UNDP and UN-Habitat co-organized this knowledge exchange with the aim to inform participants about various adaptation financing efforts and opportunities at the sub-national level and exchange emerging experiences.
Agenda and Speakers:
Moderators: James Vener, Climate and Cities Technical Specialist, UNDP/UN-Habitat and Muyeye Chambwera, Regional Technical Specialist, UNDP
- Introduction: James Vener, Climate and Cities Technical Specialist
- Welcome remarks by Jennifer Baumwoll, Head of Climate Policies and Strategy, UNDP Climate (UNDP)
- Welcome remarks by Cerin Kizhakkethottam, Programme Management Officer, UN-Habitat
- Presentations:
- Setting the Scene: Financing Adaptation at the Subnational Level, Morgan Richmond, Manager/Adaptation and Resilience Workstream Lead, Climate Policy Initiative (CPI)
- Financing locally led adaptation: experiences with performance-based climate resilience grants, Sophie De Coninck, Global Climate Facility Manager, Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL), United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
- City Climate Finance Gap Fund, Asil Abuassba, Project Manager, German Development Cooperation (GIZ)/European Investment Bank (EIB)
- Country examples – moderated by Muyeye Chambwera, Regional Technical Specialist, UNDP
- Financing Adaptation in Scale at Local Level, A case Study Kenya’s FLLoCA Financing Mechanism mode, Peter Odhengo
- Local adaptation finance – Experience from Bangladesh, Ms. Shamim Ara Nipa, Deputy Secretary to the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
- Green City Kigali: Rwanda's Pilot towards Green Urbanisation, Basil Karimba, Chief Executive Officer, Rwanda
- Q&A and Discussion

- Sub-National Training