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17:00-18:30Leveraging Synergies on Nature-Based Solutions and Climate Action for NDC and NAP Implementation in Agrifood SystemsUNDP PavilionThis event, co-organized by FAO and UNDP under the SCALA programme, brings together representatives from the government, civil society, the private sector, and the donor community to explore synergies between nature-based solutions and climate adaptation for effective NDC and NAP implementation in agrifood systems.


5 mins  



Julie Teng, Technical Specialist on National Adaptation Plans and SCALA Global Coordinator, UNDP

10 mins

Keynote speech

Ulf Jaeckel, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

10 mins  

Framing Presentation: Integrated solutions for Nature and Climate Change Adaptation


Jessica Troni, Head of Adaptation Unit, UNEP

5 mins Q&A  
38 mins

Panel discussion 

Moderated by Julie Teng, Technical Specialist on National Adaptation Plans and SCALA Global Coordinator, UNDP

  • Dipayan Dey, Chair of the South Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE), India
  • Abdou Aziz Diedhiou, Head of Department, Research and Strategy, La Banque Agricole du Senegal
  • Ts.Tsogzolmaa, Head of the Climate change division, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Mongolia
  • Trevor Allen, Head of Sustainability Research, BNP Paribas Markets 360 (TBC)
  • Adriana Bonilla, Climate Change Director, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Costa Rica
12 minsQ&A  
10 mins

Way forward: closing remarks 

Julia Wolf, Natural Resources Officer and SCALA Global Coordinator, FAO


10:15-11:15Accelerating climate action in agriculture and land use: the launch of the FAO-UNDP Climate Action Review (CAR) Tool

PCCB  Capacity Building Hub 

Special Event Room (Shirvan)

FAO and UNDP will officially launch and present the Climate Action Review (CAR) Tool, jointly developed by both agencies under the SCALA programme. The CAR Tool enables countries to identify and rank climate solutions in agrifood systems according to their transformative potential and supports the transition from planning to implementation.  



5 mins




Julie Teng, Technical Specialist on National Adaptation Plans and SCALA Global Coordinator, UNDP

10 mins

The SCALA programme and the development of the CAR Tool

Julia Wolf (Natural Resources Officer and SCALA Global Coordinator, FAO)

30 mins  

CAR Tool Overview: Practical Demo and Country Experiences


Moderated by: Julie Teng, Technical Specialist on National Adaptation Plans and SCALA Global Coordinator, UNDP

  • Berhanu Assefa, National Programme Coordinator, SCALA Ethiopia, UNDP 
  • Jamil Mahmood, Project Specialist and SCALA Focal Point in Cambodia, UNDP
10 mins Q&A  
5 mins

Closing remarks 

Julia Wolf, Natural Resources Officer and SCALA Global Coordinator, FAO 

