Hosted by: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), & NAP Global Network
Event date: November 5, 2024
Time: 3:00 pm-4:00 pm EAT
Location: Online
The first global stocktake called on countries to have in place their national adaptation plans, policies and planning processes by 2025 and to have progressed in implementing them by 2030.
Almost every developing country has a national adaptation plan (NAP) process underway to build resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate change. As more and more countries navigate the transition from planning to implementation of the priorities articulated through the NAP process, this webinar will explore stories of progress in NAP processes.
Ahead of COP29, please join us for this discussion co-hosted by UNEP, UNDP, and the NAP Global Network to explore how NAP processes are helping to scale up effective, inclusive climate change adaptation.
This webinar will be held in English and will be translated into French and Spanish simultaneously.
Event agenda & speakers
- Welcome remarks: Rohini Kohli, Senior Technical Advisor, Adaptation Policy and Planning, UNDP
- Panel discussion - Moderator: Anne Hammill Associate Vice-President, Resilience, IISD
- Rebeca Madrigal, Advisor, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Costa Rica
- Ms. Tran Thi Thanh Nga, Head of Adaptation Division, Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam
- Grenada (TBC)
- Q&A discussion
- Closing remarks: Jessica Troni, Senior Programme Officer, UN Environment