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Namibian Government Ministries have agreed with Global Environment Facility and its Implementing Agencies (the European Union and NGO community to spearhead the Country Programme Partnership (CPP) Framework, which comprises a suite of interventions to address the underlying causes of land degradation in Namibia.

The Country Programme Partnership ’s goal is to combat land degradation using integrated cross-sectoral approaches which enable Namibia to reach Millennium Development Goal #7 (Environmental Sustainability) and assure the integrity of dryland ecosystems.

The objectives are to build and sustain capacity at systemic, institutional, and individual level while ensuring cross-sectoral and demand-driven coordination and implementation of sustainable land management (SLM) activities, and to identify cost effective, innovative, and appropriate SLM methods ecosystem services.

  • Objective 1: Increase in the adoption of improved crop varieties and livestock breeds and to Enhance communities’ resilience and coping capacities.
  • Objective 2: Increase in the number of farmers and regional offices.
  • Objective 3: Presence of climate change adaptation issues in policy instruments and strategies.