Organized by the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and atended by national, international and high-profile participants from all around the world, the aim of the annual Gobeshona Global Conference is to support and leverage the enormous potential and creativity of local communities to develop and implement solutions in climate adaptation and resilience.
The third annual conference on research into action was held virtually 10-16 March 2023.
Integrating locally-led adaptation into national adaptation monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems
On Monday 13 March, UNDP's lead Technical Specialist for National Adaptation Plans, Rohini Kohli, moderated a 90-minute panel session hosted by the Adaptation Action Coalition, 'Integrating Locally Led Adaptation into National Adaptation monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems.'
The session brought together national government representatives to discuss methodologies and lessons learned from efforts to include local initiatives and actors into the tracking of MEL adaptation action. A panel of national climate experts from three countries which have demonstrated commitment to local action, and are working to integrate it into national adaptation planning and monitoring measures, discussed their experiences.
Innovation in locally led adaptation: solutions for resilient women, youth, refugees and indigenous communities
This year, UNDP also partnered with the Global Resilience Partnership to highlight successes from the ground, including inviting grantees from the UNDP-implemented Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA) to share their success stories.
On Friday 10 March, UNDP co-hosted with the Global Resilience Partnership a session titled, 'Innovation in locally led adaptation: solutions for resilient women, youth, refugees and indigenous communities.'
The 90-minute session presented an overview of five local champions and their innovation for adaptation tools/practices and business models from the first cohort of the Adaptation Fund-UNDP Innovation Small Grant Aggregator Platform (ISGAP). The session celebrated the journey of these local partners with ISGAP, and highlighted the work that these NGOs/civil society organizations are doing to build resilient communities of women, youth, refugees, and indigenous peoples. The session also discussed how their innovation for adaptation tools/practices and business models are being accelerated and scaled-up.
Watch the recorded session here.
Session resources
ISGAP grantee presentation: Anne Cecile Ragot, Nubian Vault Association (AVN), Sahel
ISGAP grantee presentation: Emmanuel Iranya, Moyo District Farmers’ Association (MDFA), Uganda
Background resources
ISGAP project brochure (2020)
ISGAP promo video (2020)
Related news
- 'UNDP and AFCIA partners announce grants to local innovators to accelerate local climate action', April 2022
- 'UNDP opens second call for proposals for grant funding under the Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA) initiative', September 2022
For more information
ISGAP Project Manager, Monica Borrero monica.borrero@undp.org
For updates on the conference, follow @ICCCAD and the hashtag #Gobeshona on Twitter