The GCF’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme aims to improve country capacities to access and utilize climate finance. The Readiness Programme provides:
- Up to USD 1 million per country per year for the following four areas:
- Establishing and strengthening national designated authorities (NDAs) or focal points (capped at USD 300 000 per year);
- Strategic frameworks for engagement with the Fund, including the preparation of country programmes;
- Selection of implementing entities or intermediaries and support for accreditation; and
- Initial pipelines of programme and project proposals.
- Up to USD 3 million per country for the formulation of national adaptation plans and/or other adaptation planning processes.
Within these limits, countries may submit multiple requests over durations based on the needs of the country. A minimum of 50 percent of country readiness funding is targeted at supporting particularly vulnerable countries, including Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and African States. All activities must be closely coordinated with the NDA and managed in line with the Fund’s Environmental and Social Safeguards and its Gender Policy.
Readiness support for NAPs and adaptation planning
In December 2015, COP21 requested GCF “to expedite support for the least developed countries and other developing country Parties for the formulation of national adaptation plans, consistent with decisions 1/CP.16 and 5/CP.17, and for the subsequent implementation of policies, projects and programmes identified by them”(1/CP.21, para 46). In June 2016 at its 13th meeting, the GCF Board established the funding window for adaptation planning to support adaptation efforts in developing countries in the context of the UNFCCC Cancun Adaptation Framework and Article 7 of the Paris Agreement (Decision B.13/32). This funding is capped at USD 3 million per country.
This funding window may be used to fund any element of the national adaptation plans (NAPs) process. Beyond single-country activities, accredited entities can also propose programmatic approaches for the formulation of multi-country national adaptation plans and/or other adaptation planning processes for countries not already in receipt of individual funding.
Detailed adaptation-specific readiness guidance is still under development.
FAO as a partner for readiness support
At COP22 in November 2016, FAO and GCF countersigned their mutual Readiness and Preparatory Support Framework Agreement. FAO has a strong track record in providing technical support related to risk and vulnerability analysis in the agricultural sectors and in facilitating national processes to prioritize adaptation strategies and practices. Furthermore, the 2015-18 FAO-UNDP programme on Integrating Agriculture into National Adaptation Plans is already delivering tailored support on the NAPs development process to 11 partner countries.
FAO is now drawing on this expertise to consolidate its support for GCF readiness work. Key areas that FAO anticipates to support include:
- Vulnerability, climate risks and impact assessments in the agriculture sectors and rural areas;
- Assessments of institutional and technical capacities with aim to enhance adaptive capacities at regional, national and local levels;
- The identification of viable policy measures for adaptation, resilience and mainstreaming climate change concerns into agriculture and food security policies and plans and vice versa;
- The prioritization of risk reduction, adaptation measures and strategies using cost-benefit analysis in agricultural sectors to enhance food security and resilience.