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NAP Ag Overview

The NAP–Ag Programme aims to enhance the exchange of lessons learned on integrating agriculture in NAPs within countries and across countries through South-South and triangular cooperation, as well as at global level within the UNFCCC process. Peer-to-peer exchange is a key activity within the NAP-Ag programme under which many partner countries are brought together to discuss the uptake of similar activities at country level for the formulation and implementation of their NAP.

Participation of NAP-Ag countries in global, regional and national dialogues has been key to the exchange of knowledge and lessons learned in addressing agriculture in NAPs. These dialogues include: 

  • NAP Expo 
  • LEG Regional Workshops 
  • NAP-GSP Regional Trainings 
  • COP 


The NAP–Ag Programme has also engaged in a range of partnerships, knowledge products, knowledge sharing platforms and partnerships, including: