UNDP's Programme on Climate Information for Resilient Development in Africa (CIRDA) will host an event "Climate Action Hackathon: Leveraging Weather and Climate Data to Create Solutions for Adaptation", in collaboration with the Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Columbia University during the 44th Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) Meeting on 24 May 2016 in Bonn, Germany at the World Conference Centre (Bonn I/II Room).
All are invited to attend this event where there will be an opportunity to experience practical demonstrations of the innovative solutions to provide weather information to help specific people, such as farmers, vulnerable communities and policymakers adapt to the challenges of climate change, which were developed by groups of young developers from Africa during the recent Climate Action Hackathon event that was held in Zambia. The results of a Market Study on the engagement of the private sector in Africa in the field of climate technologies and services as part of a new vision promoted by the UNDP’s CIRDA Programme will also be presented.
The UNDP CIRDA Programme, financed by LDCF/GEF, provides services and technology transfer support to 11 African Least Developed Countries (LDCs): Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, the Gambia, Liberia, Malawi, São Tomé and Príncipe, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia to generate, process and disseminate high-quality weather and climate information as a tool for both short-term early warning systems (EWS) and long-term planning and adaptation (NAPs). A further objective of the Programme is to promote opportunities for public-private partnerships that benefit from the availability of reliable low-cost technologies linked to cellular phone communication, with potential opportunities for revenue generation to improve the sustainability of poorly funded hydromet agencies.
Bonizella Biagini