The UNESCO Office in Almaty, in cooperation with UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme and UNDP's Istanbul Regional Hub, has hosted a meeting in Almaty, Kazakhstan to develop activities related to climate change impacts on melting glaciers, and to strengthen the resilience by reducing vulnerabilities of Central Asian countries in response . Attending the meeting were representatives of GEF national focal points and designated authorities for the Adaptation Fund in Central Asian countries, relevant governmental entities in the region as well as scientific institutions, international organizations and partners. The discussions focused on two project proposals, approved for funding by the Adaptation fund and GEF-UNDP: 'Reducing vulnerabilities of populations in the Central Asia region from glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in a changing climate' (Adaptation Fund) and 'Strengthening the resilience of Central Asian countries by enabling regional cooperation to assess high-altitude glacio-nival systems to develop integrated methods for sustainable development and adaptation to climate change' (GEF-UNDP).
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