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In the community of Aguacatal, in the picturesque municipality of Ojojona, in Francisco Morazán, an area that was affected by the barking weevil, one of the most destructive pests for pine forests, lives a group of women who meet periodically to make bread that they then sell in their communities. This allows them to generate decent livelihoods, such as support for their homes, and, in addition, they have learned to take care of and choose the right wood to bake their products, without having to destroy the forests.

In the small bakery, women have learned how to transform flour into delicious seeds, buns, cookies and other delicacies. Also, women have learned about the importance of community organization - as an agent that generates positive changes in their environment - basic knowledge of administration, which they put into practice in their bakery, and to continue taking care of the forests.

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