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From the Ministry's web site:

The Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) has the responsibility for setting national policies and standards, managing and regulating water resources and determining priorities for water development and management. It also monitors and evaluates sector development programmes to keep track of their performance, efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. MWE has three directorates: Directorate of Water Resources Management (DWRM), Directorate of Water Development (DWD) and the Directorate of Environmental Affairs (DEA). The mandate of the MWE regarding sanitation and hygiene activities is stipulated in the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed by MoHMoES, and MWE. The role of MWE is limited to development of public sanitary facilities and promotion of good practices of hygiene and sanitation in small towns and rural growth centres. With respect to water for production, MWE is the lead agency for water for production and development off-farm. MAAIF is the lead agency for water use and management for agricultural development on-farm. The mandate of MTTI covers water use and management of industries, commerce, wildlife and tourism. The mandate of MEMD is water use and management for hydropower generation.