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Capacity-Building for Mainstreaming MEA Objectives into Inter-Ministerial Structures in Costa Rica

Capacity-Building for Mainstreaming MEA Objectives into Inter-Ministerial Structures in Costa Rica


The main barriers towards an effective implementation in Costa Rica are twofold: poor policy coordination and inadequate mechanisms to learn and apply best practices. This UNDP-supported project therefore seeks to maximize synergies among the policies, rules and decision-making procedures governing the management of biodiversity, climate change and land degradation, among other environmental issues in Costa Rica.



Programme meetings & workshops

The project will maximize synergy in the decision-making process governing the management of biodiversity, climate change and land degradation through the creation of the following –

  1. Integrated inter-ministerial decision-making process for the global environment through targeted reforms for meeting global environmental objectives (Outcome 1.1); Implementation of governance reforms (Outcome 1.2); Creation of an approved strategy for environmental policy reforms under implementation (Outcome 1.3) and; Strengthening of an inter-ministerial committee to coordinate environmental policies (Outcome1.4).
  2. Integrating cross-cutting Rio Convention provisions into environmental legislation and regulation by conducting cross-sectoral discussion of targeted environmental legislation  and regulation (Outcome 2.1); Review of areas of mutual exclusivity between sectoral and environmental legislation and regulation (Outcome 2.2); Preparation of key amendments to legislation and regulation  to be consistent with Rio Conventions (Outcome 2.3) and; Creation of an approved strategy for  implementing the legislative and regulatory  reforms (Outcome 2.4).
  3. Management capacities to integrate global environmental priorities into national environmental and development strategies, plans, and programmes. This will be achieved by designing training programmes (Outcome 3.1); Conducting information campaigns targeted to technical staff  and decision-makers (Outcome 3.2); Operationalizing an on-going inter-agency collaboration to catalyze and institutionalize technical capacities (Outcome 3.3) and; Strengthening the management capacity of National Focal Points regarding the mainstreaming of MEA objectives (Outcome 3.4).


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