A country housing the largest number of displaced population, Sudan faces additional stress as a result of climate change. In particular, the increasingly unreliable nature of rainfall, together with its concentration into short growing seasons, heightens the vulnerability of Sudan’s rain-fed agricultural systems.
This UNDP-supported, LDCF funded project, Climate Risk Finance for Sustainable and Climate Resilient Rain-fed Farming and Pastoral Systems in Sudan, supported the creation of an enabling environment for climate risk management of smallholder farmers and pastoralists in rain-fed areas. This included the establishment of effective climate observation infrastructure to enable climate change resilient decision-making in local communities. At the same time, the project will created a regulatory framework to develop and deliver micro credit and climate risk insurance services.
Project details
Levels of intervention
- Community
Key implementers
- National Governments
Funding amounts
Project partners
- Sudan Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources (HCENR)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Global Environment Facility (GEF)
A country housing the largest number of displaced population, Sudan faces additional stress as a result of climate change. In particular, the increasingly unreliable nature of rainfall, together with its concentration into short growing seasons, heightens the vulnerability of Sudan’s rain-fed agricultural systems.
This UNDP-supported, LDCF funded project, Climate Risk Finance for Sustainable and Climate Resilient Rain-fed Farming and Pastoral Systems in Sudan, supported the creation of an enabling environment for climate risk management of smallholder farmers and pastoralists in rain-fed areas. This included the establishment of effective climate observation infrastructure to enable climate change resilient decision-making in local communities. At the same time, the project will created a regulatory framework to develop and deliver micro credit and climate risk insurance services.

'Towards Empowering Climate-resilient Communities: UNDP and Partners Launch Pastoralists Weather Insurance Initiative', UNDP Sudan, October 23, 2019
'UNDP Links Weather Index Insurance to Microfinance to Combat Climate Change Effects on Farmers in Sudan', UNDP Sudan, September 3, 2018
'UNDP Empowers Climate-resilient Communities in White Nile, Sudan', UNDP Sudan, August 9, 2018
Key results & output
The project had three main components with associated outcomes –
- Creation of the institutional framework and capacity for sustainable climate observation and early warning including rainfall modelling and simulations for three target states Kassala, N Kordofan, Gedarif (Outcome 1.1); installation of 3 solar powered automated weather stations for purposes of drought forecasting and early warning (Outcome 1.2); training the staff of Sudan Meteorological Authority and Remote Sensing Authority on climate observation, risk analysis, forecasting and early warning (Outcome 1.3) and; improved communication protocols and mechanisms to provide timely and accurate weather and climate risk forecasts to farmers and pastoralists (Outcome 1.4).
- Design and deployment of weather index-based insurance to address residual risk and promote long term adaptation including a comparative analysis and feasibility assessment of different business models for index-based insurance (Outcome 2.1); design and establishment of a risk transfer product for smallholder farmers and pastoralists who depend on rain-fed farming systems (Outcome 2.2); delivery of insurance literacy programme/awareness campaign to small businesses, community-based organisations, local farmers and pastoral communities (Outcome 2.3) and; assessment and rescommendations for the legal and regulatory framework for risk transfer in target states (Outcome 2.4)
- Provision of financial services for farmers and pastoralists to increase adaptive capacity of rural livelihoods including the analysis of legal and regulatory framework to increase the co-provision of microcredit and microinsurance services (Outcome 3.1); development of community adaptation plans enabling the provision of MFI credit packages (Outcome 3.2); design of at least 3 micro-credit products to increase resilience of farming and pastoral practices as prioritised in local adaptation plans (Outcome 3.3) and; desing of a flexible seasonal and annual repayment programme for pastoral mobility and income cycles of local farmers (Outcome 3.4).
Reports & publications
Videos & multimedia
- UNDPTom Twining WardRegional Technical Advisor