Solomon Island’s customary land tenure system has had the unintended consequence of creating significant negative environmental impacts. This, together with high population growth, uncontrolled large scale forest logging, displacement of traditional land and resource management systems has had adverse effects on the country's forest resources that cover about 85% of the land area.
The goal of this project, Integrating global environment commitments in investment and development decision-making in the Solomon Islands, was to deliver global environmental benefits across the three Rio Conventions through reduced deforestation and forest degradation by strengthening policy coordination and planning mechanisms.

Project details
(More information to come)
- National
- National Governments
Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster management and Meteorology, Government of Solomon Islands
- Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, Government of Solomon Islands
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Key results & output
There are two major components with the following outcomes of this project –
Institutional Capacity Development through strengthened institutional capacity and coordination to ensure cost-effective implementation of the Rio Conventions (Outcome 1.1); Mainstreamed global environmental priorities through the integration of the National Environmental and Capacity Development Action Plan (NECDAP) into the REDD+ Roadmap (Outcome 1.2) and; Securing global environmental priorities by strengthening linkages between the national strategies of the Rio Conventions and REDD+ social and environmental safeguards (Outcome 1.3).
Knowledge sharing through strengthened management information system to improve monitoring and performance of global environmental targets (Outcome 2.1) and; Raising targeted awareness to strengthen the commitment to meet national sustainable development and global environmental benefits (Output 2.2).
Programme meetings & workshops
(More information to come)
Reports & publications
Videos & multimedia
Monitoring & evaluation
(More information to come)
- UNDPTom Twining WardRegional Technical Advisor