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Integrating Rio Convention Provisions into Ukraine’s National Environmental Policy Framework

Integrating Rio Convention Provisions into Ukraine’s National Environmental Policy Framework


Some of the challenges plaguing the implementation of Rio conventions in Ukraine are –
• Global environmental action plans are not mainstreamed into national and regional policy planning.
• Non inclusion of environmental conventions and integrated resource management at regional and local levels.
• Integration of the Rio Conventions into the national natural resource management legal frameworks is lacking .

In order to address the above, as well as a national sustainable development strategy, this UNDP-supported, GEF Trust project, Integrating Rio Convention Provisions into Ukraine’s National Environmental Policy Framework, (2013 - 2018) aimed to develops organizational and systematic capacity to develop implement and operationalize policy.



Key results & output

The project has three main components with the following associated outcomes –

  1. Policy and institutional framework – this component includes updated institutional assessment covering responsibilities related to implementing Rio Conventions (Outcput 1.1) and the development of a Sustainable Development Strategy for Ukraine (SDSU) (Output 1.2).
  2. National Capacity to mainstream the Rio Conventions and to implement the SDSU including  a proposal for creating the Sustainable Development Agency in Ukraine (Output 2.1); development of a manual on integrating Rio Convention provisions into policy and economic sectoral planning processes (Output 2.2) and; identifying a cadre of trained personel at national and local level (Output 2.3).
  3. Public awareness at local level including public awareness on the impact of global environmental threats on local welfare (Output 3.1) and; public advocacy linking Rio conventions to local level planning and budget allocation processes (Output 3.2).


Programme meetings & workshops

(More information to come)

Videos & multimedia

