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The project "Supporting Moldova’s National Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process" is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation Agency (ADA), via the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management of the Republic of Austria.

The aim of the project is to ensure that Moldova has a system and capacities in place for medium-to long term adaptation planning and budgeting with the overall aim to reduce vulnerability of the population and key sectors to the impacts of climate change.

The main project objective is to support Moldova to put in place its National Adaptation Planning (NAP) process contributing to and building upon existing development planning strategies and processes and to implement priority adaptation actions. The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) is based on the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy of Moldova (CCASM), approved by the Moldovan government on 08.10.2014, and is developed through a country-driven, gender-sensitive and participatory process.

Reports & publications



  • UNDP
    Ala Druta
    Project Manager