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With financing from the Green Climate Fund, the 'National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to Advance Medium and Long-term Adaptation Planning in Armenia' project supported the Government of Armenia in formulating a national plan for climate change adaptation. Through an iterative process, the project focused on strengthening foundational capacities with the aim of institutionalizing them for long-term sustainability.

The project aimed to address existing barriers, facilitate the prioritization of climate change adaptation investments in priority sectors—such as water resources, agriculture, energy, health, tourism, and human settlement—and increase the identification of financing options. Through the development of the NAP process, Armenia laid the groundwork for the systematic and iterative identification of medium- and long-term risks. The country not only established adaptation priorities but also designed specific activities to ensure that no one is left behind in its efforts to achieve the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

In tandem with the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the NAP process contributed to the formulation of corresponding national climate-responsive indicators and targets.


Project details

The Government of Armenia launched its national stakeholder consultations for the national adaptation plan (NAP) process in June 2016. A preliminary action plan for NAP implementation was formulated during the stocktaking exercise and approved by the representatives of key sectors and the Ministry of Nature Protection. The government recognizes the NAP process as a key step to achieving the adaptation objectives of its 2015 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).

The NAP seeks to address the main challenges to the integration of climate change adaptation into national, sectorial, and local government planning and budgeting, as identified in the 2016 stakeholders' consultations and the NAP Stocktaking report. Focus has been given to strengthening foundational capacities for adaptation and ensuring that they are institutionalized for long-term sustainability (beyond the life of the project). It was expected that at least two NAP iterations would be required for a complete and comprehensive mainstreaming of climate change adaptation into the national development framework and into the development plans of all sectors.

NDCs and NAPs

Armenia’s vulnerability to climate change requires greater investments and integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. In 2016, the government began discussions regarding the NAP process through national consultations and a rapid stocktaking exercise. This stocktaking provided a qualitative assessment of the institutional framework and capacities relevant to the NAP process.

The NAP is fully aligned with the adaptation component of the NDC and is recognized as a pivotal element in establishing a constructive feedback loop between Armenia's national and international decision-making on climate change.

By embarking on the NAP process, Armenia laid the groundwork for a systematic and iterative identification of medium- and long-term risks, climate change adaptation priorities, and specific activities aimed at fostering climate adaptive and resilient growth in key sectors. This shift from ad-hoc, project-based approaches to a more coherent and strategic climate change adaptation approach, integrated with the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, positions Armenia to achieve a lasting paradigm shift in reducing the climate risks it faces.

Stakeholder Consultations

As an integral part of the NAP process, a comprehensive stakeholder communication and engagement plan, including a gender action plan, was developed. This plan aimed to ensure broad consultation and involvement of diverse stakeholders at all stages of the NAP. Outreach encompassed sensitization, consultations, and training workshops, tailored to meet stakeholders' specific needs for successful implementation. The overarching goal of these engagement activities was to enhance stakeholder ownership, raise awareness, and bolster knowledge regarding the crucial role of climate adaptation in addressing climate change impacts for sustained, long-term engagement. Stakeholders spanned government institutions, financial and technical partners, international and national non-governmental organizations, and local civil society.


Key project achievements include:

Improved Legislative and Policy Frameworks:

  • Integration of climate change considerations into governance mechanisms through the National Action Program of Adaptation to Climate Change and the List of Measures for 2021-2025.
  • Updates to the structure, mandate, functions, and rules of procedures of the Inter-agency Coordination Council on Climate Change.
  • Formation of three permanent working groups supporting the Inter-Agency Coordination Council.

Integration into Legal Instruments and Sector Strategies:

  • Amendments to the Water Code addressing climate change risks, vulnerability, adaptation, and water use permit allocation.
  • Draft amendments to the Environmental Impact Assessment law to consider climate change-related risks.
  • Development and approval of the "2022-2026 Climate Change Adaptation Plan in the Water Resources Sector."

Territorial Governance Improvement:

  • Climate risk and vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans for two regions (Tavush and Shirak) and Yerevan city.
  • Development and acceptance of guidelines for climate change adaptation planning at the local and regional levels.

Sector Governance Enhancement:

  • Revision of irrigation norms in Ararat Valley with recommendations for replication.
  • Updates to River Basin Management Plans for the Southern and Ararat River Basin districts.
  • Recommendations on institutional arrangements for mudflow risk management.
  • Various assessments, including economic cost-benefit analysis and feasibility studies for reservoirs.

Capacity Building, Awareness, and Education:

  • Development of guidelines on urban green infrastructure, landslide risk assessment, and climate change adaptation in agriculture.
  • Stakeholder communication and awareness strategy.
  • Organizing over 90 workshops, trainings, and public events involving more than 3,200 participants.
  • Numerous media interviews and stakeholder roundtable discussions initiated.

NAP Process Continuity:

  • Assessment and strategy for private sector engagement in climate change adaptation to strengthen the enabling environment for private sector investments
  • Design of water resources and agriculture sectors adaptation concept notes.
  • Development of a methodology and guideline for evaluating the NAP process monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
  • Establishment of MRV frameworks for climate mitigation and adaptation.
Water Resources, Health, Agriculture/Food Security
Level of intervention
  • National
Key collaborators
  • National Governments
Implementing agencies and partnering organizations
  • Republic of Armenia Ministry of Emergency Situations
Project status
Funding Source
Green Climate Fund
Financing amount


RA Government adopted 2023-2026 Action Plan for the Implementation of the Agricultural Sector Strategy (2023) 

Results of Armenia's National Adaptation Plan project have been summarized and presented to the stakeholders (2022) 

Results of climate risks and vulnerability assessment of Yerevan City discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022) 

Armenia steps up adaptation to the climate crisis (2022) 

Monitoring and evaluation framework for climate change adaptation being developed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022) 

248 decision makers received training on integrating climate change adaptation into regional and community development strategies in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022) 

Urban green infrastructure management issues and development opportunities in the context of climate change discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022) 

Trainings for decision makers on integrating climate change adaptation into regional and community development strategies held in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022) 

Another climate change adaptation contest aimed at schoolchildren announced in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022) 

UNDP-GCF Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan project continues promoting women engagement in climate change adaptation and response (2022) 

RA Government has approved the "2022-2026 Climate Change Adaptation Plan in the Water Resources Sector" (2022) 

Draft 2023-2025 action plan aimed at mitigating gender and social impacts of climate change in Armenia presented and discussed in the frame of the UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022) 

Another Training of Trainers on climate change and adaptation for schoolteachers held in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022) 

Health sector climate change risk and vulnerability assessment and draft adaptation plan presented and discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022) 

Possibilities and promotion mechanisms of secondary water use in Armenia discussed with stakeholders (2022) 

The draft National Strategy for Communication and Awareness Raising on Adaptation and the List of Proposed Measures discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022) 

A proposal package aimed at mudflow risk reduction discussed with stakeholders in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022) 

“Strategic Communication Plan for National Adaptation Planning Processes” workshop-training held in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP (2022) 

Video: Climate change adaptation in agriculture in Armenia (2022) 

In the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project World Environment Day celebrated with a festive event for schoolchildren (2022)

Approaches and methods of socio-economic assessment of climate change impacts presented and discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022)

Public hearing on updates of Ararat Basin Management Plan held in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022) 

Climate change and adaptation trainings for media students continue in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022)

Climate change and climate change adaptation trainings for YSU media students held in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022)

Public hearing on updates of Southern Basin Management Plan held in the frame UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022)

"Climate Change and Women in Armenia” awards ceremony announced in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022)

A three-day training session on climate change adaptation project development aimed at schoolchildren organized in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2022)

Marz adaptation plan development process and methodology based on Tavush and Shirak example presented in the frame of UNDP GCF-NAP project (2022)

RA energy sector vulnerability to climate change and the draft National Program on Energy Saving and Renewable Energy for 2022-2030 discussed over a workshop (2021) 

Results of "Adapt to climate change" school contest held in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project are finalized (2021) 

Results of climate change risks and vulnerability assessment in Armenia's agriculture sector presented in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021) 

In the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project media students introduced to the practices of climate change adaptation in the water and agriculture sectors (2021)

Gender issues and possible solution present in Armenia in the context of climate change discussed at a two day conference (2021)

4-day training on climate change and adaptation related issues organized for youth of Ayrum in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP Project (2021)

Climate change and climate change adaptation trainings for media students continue in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021) 

Training of trainers on climate change and adaptation aimed at media faculty members of universities held in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021)

Climate change and adaptation awareness raising campaign in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021)

"Climate change adaptation in agriculture and water resources management". Two three-day training sessions held in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021)

Two trainings on "Impact of Climate Change on Landslides and Landslide Management in Communities" were conducted for the communities of Tavush region in the scope of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021)

RA National Adaptation Plan submitted to UNFCCC Secretariat (2021) 

“Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in RA agriculture sector” seminar aimed at students of ANAU Agricultural College аfter A.Kochinyan took place in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021)

Draft RA water sector adaptation plan presented and discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021) 

Another 179 teachers received training on climate change and adaptation in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021)

Another meeting of the mudflow risk management working group held in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021)

Actions aimed at professional capacity building of RA Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center continue within UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021)

Needs for climate change adaptation related capacity building among employees of the public sector assessed within UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021)

The second workshop on the development of water sector adaptation plan in Armenia was held in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021) 

Results of the media contest for the best coverage of climate change adaptation related issues have been summarized in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021) 

“Climate Change Adaptation in Armenia: Challenges and Opportunities” Expo-Forum took place in the frame of UNDP GCF NAP Project (2021)

The modernization of irrigation norms and the development of the water sector adaptation plan in the context of climate change in Armenia discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021)

Climate Change challenges and opportunities present in Tavush discussed during a regional visit (2021) 

Climate change risks, vulnerabilities, adaptation solutions, programs and awareness-raising opportunities in Shirak region discussed during a regional trip (2021) 

"UAV uses in environmental monitoring" series of trainings completed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2021) 

Vulnerability of water resources and modernization of crop irrigation norms discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2020) 

Exoteric reporting on climate change related issues. Two-day training for media representatives was held within UNDP-GCF NAP project (2020)

Climate change vulnerability and adaptation measures in agriculture and water sectors. A three-day webinar with stakeholders was held in the frame of UNDP-GCF Armenia's National Adaptation Plan project (2020)

The use of satellite remote sensing data in the process of assessing and forecasting the vulnerability of water resources and evapotranspiration was discussed within the framework of the UNDP-GCF NAP project (2020)

Tree planting and Climate Change Talks organized for the youth of Tavush region in the frame of Armenia’s adaptation planning project (2020) 

Over 100 teachers received training with the support of UNDP-GCF Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan Project (2020) 

Climate change vulnerabilities and adaptation opportunities in RA agriculture sector were discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2020) 

“Climate change and adaptation in Armenia” awareness raising campaign launched in the frame of Armenia’s NAP project (2020)

Results of a baseline survey assessing the awareness among representatives of the RA state bodies on climate change related topics were discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2020)

RA water sector climate change vulnerability, risks and adaptation opportunities were discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project (2020)

Mudflow risk management in Armenia in the center of attention of the UNDP-GCF NAP project (2020) 

Vulnerability of the agriculture towards climate change: “Climate smart agriculture and climate change adaptation in Armenia” workshop took place (2020) 

Solutions and international practices for assessing the vulnerability of water resources towards climate change, water resource management practices and adaptation measures were discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP Project (2019) 

Impact of climate change on human health discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan project (2019) 

Challenges and development opportunities of Tavush province at the center of attention at the workshop held within UNDP-GCF project (2019) 

Climate Change and Adaptation Issues of Gegharkunik region discussed within the framework of UNDP-GCF Armenia National Adaptation Plan project (2019) 

UNDP-GCF NAP Project continues raising awareness on climate change adaptation processes (2019) 

Young participants of “EcoThon Tavush” discussed the province’s climate change challenges and possible solutions (2019) 

National Adaptation Plan development process continues in Armenia (2019) 

Workshop Training on Introduction to methodology and tools for gender analysis and planning in climate change area at the national, sectoral and project levels (2019) 

NAP Project Inception Seminar (2019) 


Key results & output

Output 1: Gaps assessed and national mandate, strategy and steering mechanism established

Output 2: Climate evidence and knowledge-base for the compilation of a NAP strengthened

Output 3: NAP implementation facilitated

Output 4: Mechanisms for Reporting, Monitoring and Review of NAPs and adaptation progress in place

Output 5: Funding strategy for the NAP and CCA formulated

The project's first output focuses on identifying information and capacity gaps while enhancing synergies and coordination across sectorial initiatives. This involves strengthening both vertical and horizontal synergies, reducing duplication of effort, and ensuring a more cohesive approach to integrating Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) responses into development planning.

Outputs 2 and 3 aim to bolster institutional, functional, and technical capacities to plan for gender-sensitive CCA. Additionally, the project seeks to enhance the existing climate-related knowledge base for more consistent assessments of climate risks, vulnerabilities, and impacts. The ultimate goal is to improve implementation at both national and local levels.

Output 4 is dedicated to establishing climate change adaptation monitoring capacity. The objective is to efficiently integrate CCA into both national and sectorial planning and management processes.

Output 5 involves the development of a CCA financing strategy. This includes supporting private sector engagement through a comprehensive assessment of the enabling environment and barriers, aligning with Armenia's priorities for private sector development.

Reports & publications

Videos & multimedia

