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Two Guinean women holding fish


The project helped Guinea to increase its capacity to adapt to climate change impacts by strengthening linkages between research policy, mainstreaming climate change adaptation into sectoral and local planning and budgeting, and advancing national funding mechanisms and private sector engagement. The project addressed the main barriers that were identified during an earlier stocktaking exercise, including the lack of links between research and policymaking, weak measurement, evaluation and funding mechanisms, and insufficient private sector engagement in adaptation efforts. 

Project details

The main objective of the project “Enhancing research and policy linkages to advance National Adaptation Planning in Guinea” was to increase Guinea’s adaptive capacity to cope with climate change impacts. The project established research to support informed decision-making and capture opportunities that arise both from public funding and the private sector. 

Guinea is experiencing negative socio-economic impacts of climate change due to its exposure to sea level rise, droughts, and flooding. Its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), submitted in 2015 and revised in 2021, outlines climate change adaptation priorities, such as the preservation and restoration of water resources, protection of ecosystems particularly in coastal zones, and ensuring food security of rural communities. 

Based on stakeholder consultations and stocktaking conducted in 2016 and 2018, the main barriers to climate change adaptation mainstreaming and financing were identified as (1) the absence of links connecting research to policy to inform decision-making processes; (2) weaknesses in and/or fragmentation of existing coordination, monitoring & evaluation (M&E), and funding mechanisms; (3) the absence of adaptation in the Planning-Programming-Budgeting-Monitoring and Evaluation (PPBSE) procedures; and (4) lack of private sector involvement in the adaptation landscape.

The project aims to remove these barriers by achieving the following objectives under the three main outcomes:

1. Research-policy linkages and knowledgebase are strengthened to inform adaptation planning and decision-making:

  • Establish research-policy linkages to support the NAP (National Adaptation Plan) formulation and implementation;
  • Develop a climate risks and vulnerability evidence base that informs the identification and prioritization of adaptation options in the sectors of agriculture, livestock, and forestry. 


2. Climate change adaptation mainstreaming is facilitated by reinforcing coordination and M&E mechanisms:

  • Operationalize a sustained and suitable coordination mechanism to support mid and long-term adaptation;
  • Enhance adaptation mainstreaming into sectoral and local planning and budgeting;
  • Establish adaptation M&E mechanisms in adherence with the existing national M&E system.


3. A national funding mechanism and private sector engagement are expanded to support adaptation financing:

  • Support the Environmental Safeguard Fund (FSE) mechanism to raise awareness on funding sources and expand mandate for the financing of adaptation actions; 
  • Enhance the mining sector’s engagement on adaptation and climate financing.


Furthermore, a follow-up project was proposed to fill gaps identified through this phase and develop Guinea’s NAP document. The results of the current project have informed the proposal, consolidating existing climate risks and vulnerability assessments and prioritization of adaptation options in the priority sectors of agriculture, livestock, forestry, coastal and water resources. The planned second phase will further consider promoting sustainable cities, clean cities, and blue economy for which the national strategy is currently being developed.

In addition to the main project implementing partner, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, other project partners included the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), National Directorate of the Environment (DNE)/current National Directorate of Pollution, Nuisance and Climate Change (DNPNCC), sectoral Strategy and Development Offices (BSD), the various research institutes, the Center for Observation, Monitoring and Environmental Information (COSIE), the National Institute of Statistics (INS), the Fund for the Environment and Natural Capital (FECN), the Bauxite Environment Network (REB), Guinea-Ecology, civil society organizations and municipalities.

Project results

Activities under Outcome 1 led to the development and validation of key documents, including those for the Research-Policy Working Group (RPWG), Environmental Research and Climate Change Plan, and Updated Climate Projections Based on Appropriate Models (AR5 RCP). An interim report on vulnerability analysis in lower, middle, and upper Guinea was developed, and activities focused on setting up and running the RPWG team and prioritizing adaptation options in key sectors such as agriculture, livestock, forestry, and coastal and water resources. A Climate Risks and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) report was completed, including training modules used to train representatives from sectoral ministerial departments. This included strengthening the capacities of the national CRVA team to collect information on the impacts of climate change on key sectors in three of the four natural regions of Guinea. A workshop was conducted to prioritize adaptation options for key sectors.

Under Outcome 2, an operational manual was created for the National Committee on Climate Change (CNCC), featuring tools like a project monitoring tool, multi-year CNCC work plan, climate action monitoring system, management chart, and reporting system. A monitoring and evaluation framework for climate change adaptation, aligned with the national monitoring and evaluation system (DISE) of the National Plan for Economic and Social Development (PNDES), was established. Capacity-building sessions were conducted for government officials on integrating adaptation into the DISE. Additionally, studies focused on creating a sustainable coordination mechanism to support medium and long-term adaptation and updating climate models and projections, with corresponding training for managers. Data was collected and improved through a national stakeholder workshop. Furthermore, discussions with the National Institute of Statistics (INS) aimed to progress a partnership agreement for updating the statistical yearbook using the monitoring and evaluation framework. Technical guidelines were also developed to integrate climate change adaptation into sectoral planning and budgeting.

Outcome 3 focused on supporting the Environment and Natural Capital Fund (FECN) and the Bauxite Environment Network (REB). Discussions led to the finalization of terms of reference for activities, including conducting and validating a study on potential funding sources for the FECN and developing a strategic plan. The FECN mechanism was supported to raise awareness of funding sources and expand the mandate for financing adaptation actions. The project will also support the implementation of the REB 2024-2025 action plan to facilitate the private sector's commitment to adapting to climate change. Moreover, efforts were made to enhance the mining sector's engagement in adaptation and climate financing.


Coastal Zone Development, Forest Management, Water Resources, Agriculture/Food Security
Level of intervention:
  • National
Key collaborators:
  • National Governments
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Implementing agencies and partnering organizations:
  • Guinea Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests (MEEF)
Project status:
Funding source:
Green Climate Fund
Financing amount:
US$ 1,629,717

Key results & output

Outcome 1: Research-policy linkages and knowledge base are strengthened to inform adaptation planning and decision-making.

Outcome 2: Climate change adaptation mainstreaming is facilitated by reinforcing coordination and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.

Outcome 3: A national funding mechanism and private sector engagement are expanded to increase climate change adaptation financing.


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