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The agriculture sectors, in particular livestock farming, plays a major role in the Uruguayan economy, accounting for 7 percent of the GDP and 70 percent of the country’s total exports. 
Over the last decade, the agricultural sectors have experienced a period of rapid growth, intensification and modernization. However, agriculture production remains highly exposed to climate change and climate variability, with floods and droughts during the same period becoming more intense.
To tackle these challenges Uruguay is undertaking a series of adaptation interventions, underpinned by a progressive policy framework, and with support from the the NAP-Ag Programme, will increasingly be integrating adaptation strategies into its national and sub-national planning and budgeting processes. 

Project details

Adaptation policies

To cope with the challenges that climate change poses on the agriculture sectors, Uruguay has developed an advanced suite of related policies, strategies and plans.

In 2016 the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP) began the process of developing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for the agriculture sectors, with support of the NAP-Ag programme. The Agriculture NAP (PNA-Agro) was launched in 2019 and is a strategic instrument that will help the country achieve the national adaptation and mitigation commitments established in their first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement, as well as contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2021, the UNFCCC published Uruguay’s PNA-Agro Executive Summary in English on their website.

The PNA-Agro proposes a strategy for 2050 and an action plan for 2025, with adaptation measures in four dimensions: production systems, ecosystems and natural resources, livelihoods and institutional capacities. It seeks to clarify questions around which agriculture, forestry and fishery activities need to adapt, in which parts of the country, and how producers can effectively reduce their vulnerability and build their resilience to future climate uncertainties. Next step is now to implement this plan. 


NAP-Ag activities

In Uruguay, the NAP-Ag focuses on supporting the formulation of the NAP for Climate Change and Climate Variability for Agriculture through: (1) the strengthening of an impact evaluation framework;  (2) cost-benefit analysis of adaptation options; (3) generating sex-disaggregated rural statistics; (4) identifying indicators for monitoring and evaluation for adaptation in agriculture; and (5) modelling of climate change scenarios.
The NAP-Ag works directly with the Sustainability and Climate Change Unit (USyCC), in the Office of Agricultural Programming and Policy (OPYPA) of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP) and with the other national institutions involved in the process.
Cross-sectoral consultations (ongoing)
In Uruguay, broad stakeholder consultations through Adaptation Dialogues for the fisheries, forestry, dairy, horticultural, agricultural and livestock sectors have been held to identify national adaptation priorities, challenges and responses to feed into the development of Uruguay's NAP for the agricultural sector.
Gender mainstreaming (ongoing)
Ongoing activities seek to build and strengthen understanding and inclusion of gender dimensions within the agricultural sector of the NAPs. The research combines qualitative and quantitative survey methods and will generate sex-disaggregated rural statistics, as well as indicators on the contribution of women to rural production and issues such as how climate adaptation strategies and perceptions differ between women and men in dairy, livestock and vegetable production sectors. The process and results of this activity will be shared in 2018.
Impact evaluation (ongoing)
The NAP–Ag, in partnership with research institutes and universities, is working on the development and implementation of an impact evaluation framework for the agricultural sectors that will generate evidence-based results of adaptation options and serve as an input for national adaptation planning.
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) (ongoing)    
Work has begun on developing a set of indicators to measure and monitor adaptation in the agricultural sectors jointly with the Sustainability Studies Institute (SARAS2), the Ministry of Agriculture and scholars.
The Case of Uruguay (2017) 
The country case study on Uruguay is part of a series that describes the steps taken to formulate and implement NAPs. The series aims to provide national policy makers with valuable information from counterparts in Asia, Africa and Latin America who are on the same NAP journey to tackle the multiple challenges posed by climate change. It also shows the links between the country-led NAP processes and the NAP-Ag Programme activities and resulting impacts.
Gender and climate change talks (2017)
Rural women from the dairy, livestock and horticulture production met for a three-day workshop in the Augustin Ferreiro Center in Canelones, Uruguay, to strengthen their capacity to participate in sustainable rural development processes, especially in relation to adaptation to climate change and variability. The workshop provided a platform to discuss entry points for mainstreaming the gender perspective in national adaptation planning for adaptation in agriculture.
Climate scenarios through Statistical Downscaling (2018)
To build a better understanding of how to measure and assess the estimated impact of climate change on agricultural production in the country, the NAP-Ag introduced MOSAICC (Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change), a tool to analyse climate risks and assess climate vulnerabilities. The tool will be used for downscaling climate scenarios to support national decision-making and planning. During 2018, Uruguay will implement MOSAICC's module for the modelling of climate change impacts for main crops and pastures - a fundamental stage for planning and identifying adaptation strategies.
The NAP-Ag is providing support for the development of a systematic protocol for estimations of loss and damage due to climate events in agriculture. Methodical estimations of loss and damage are important for effective climate risk management and to support policies and programs that are successful at reducing the impact of climate in agriculture and promote adaptation. 
Cost-benefit analysis
A guide for the ex-ante evaluation of adaptation alternatives was developed in collaboration with the SARAS2 Institute, this guide will be published online in the second half of 2018. This guide is meant to support the mainstreaming of cost-benefit analysis of adaptation alternatives at the policy level. The NAP-Ag is also working with the Ofice of Agricultural Programing and Policies of the Minsitry of Agriculte to Analyze irrigation alternatives in rice and crops.
Capacity building for youth (2017 – on going)  
Recognizing the key role of youth in adaptation to climate change in agriculture, the Nap-Ag in Uruguay is organizing capacity building activities at Agricultural High schools across the country in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Center for Response to Climate Variability and Climate Change of the University of the Republic. The goal of the program is to raise awareness on the causes and impacts of climate change in agriculture, reflect on the importance of adaptation, and explore reliable sources of climate information.  As children better understand the causes and impact of climate change they will be better prepared to plan and respond to it. Youth are powerful agents of change and can contribute not only to adaptation but also to mitigation actions. 
Level of intervention
  • National
Key collaborators
  • National Governments
Implementing agencies and partnering organizations
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
  • Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Project status



> Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week galvanizes climate action

28 August 2018 - This year’s Latin American and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW), hosted in Uruguay from August 20 to 23, pushed global ambitions to address climate change and facilitated important discussion between country representatives, organizations and the private sector on moving forward on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and synergies to reach the global targets outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

5 June 2018 - Uruguay´s NAP–Ag project is providing support to develop a systematic protocol for estimations of loss and damage in agriculture due to climate events. Methodical estimations of loss and damage are important for effective climate risk management, to support policies and programs in reducing the impact of climate change in agriculture and promote adaptation.
22 March 2018 - News about results of “Climate scenarios through Statistical Downscaling for Uruguay” study, based on new Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC) tool which can be used to analyze climate risks and assess climate vulnerabilities.

Learning about climate change adaptation in agricultural high schools in Uruguay

13 November 2017 - Recognizing the key role of youth in adaptation to climate change the joint FAO-UNDP Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans Programme (NAP-Ag) organized a series of capacity building activities at agricultural high schools across Uruguay.


Rural women talk about gender, climate change and climate variability in Uruguay

August 2017, Uruguay - Rural women from the dairy, livestock and horticulture production met for a three-day workshop 14-16 August in the Augustin Ferreiro Center in Canelones, Uruguay to strengthen their capacity to participate in sustainable rural development processes, especially in relation to adaptation to climate change and variability. The participants were family farmers from horticulture, livestock or dairy production farms. The activity was attended by 25 women from different regions of the country.


Uruguay's NAP Under Construction: The Dairy System Adaptation Dialogue

03 April, 2017, Montevideo - The Uruguay Integrational Agricultural in National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag) Team organized the first in a series of Adaptation Dialogues as part of the formulation of the country’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for the agriculture sectors.


Building a better understanding of how climate change will impact Uruguay’s agriculture sectors

31 March, 2017, Montevideo, Uruguay - Between 28 - 31 March, the Uruguay (NAP-Ag) team organized and hosted the first in a series of three training workshops on how to use the Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC), to better understand how to measure and assess the estimated impact of climate change on agricultural production.

Reports & publications

Reports and Publications of relevance to Country Teams
Reports and Publications by country teams

