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Zambia National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA)

Zambia National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA)

Zambia has experienced a number of climatic hazards over several decades. The most serious have been drought, seasonal floods and flush floods, extreme temperatures and dry spells. Some of these, especially droughts and floods have increased in frequency, intensity and magnitude over the last two decades and have adversely impacted on food and water security, water quality, energy and the sustainable livelihoods of rural communities.

Zambia has developed its NAPA by evaluating the impacts of climate change on the relevant sectors and using Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA), has ranked the identified most urgent needs to prioritize ten immediate adaptation interventions. The sectors that were analyzed are agriculture and food security (livestock, fisheries and crops), energy and water, human health, natural resources and wildlife.

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Project details

Levels of intervention

  • National

Key implementers

  • Country Office
  • National Governments

Funding amounts


Project partners

  • Government of Zambia
  • Zambia Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources
  • Global Environment Facility (GEF)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


Zambia has experienced a number of climatic hazards over several decades. The most serious have been drought, seasonal floods and flush floods, extreme temperatures and dry spells. Some of these, especially droughts and floods have increased in frequency, intensity and magnitude over the last two decades and have adversely impacted on food and water security, water quality, energy and the sustainable livelihoods of rural communities.

Zambia has developed its NAPA by evaluating the impacts of climate change on the relevant sectors and using Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA), has ranked the identified most urgent needs to prioritize ten immediate adaptation interventions. The sectors that were analyzed are agriculture and food security (livestock, fisheries and crops), energy and water, human health, natural resources and wildlife.


Project details

The Zambian economy is predominantly based on the exploitation of the country’s natural resources. The adverse effects of climate conditions to which the country is exposed overtly affect these resources. Climate-induced changes to physical and biological systems are already being felt and exerting considerable stress on the country vulnerable sectors. Already, the country’s sensitive sectors - agriculture and food security, wildlife, forestry, water and energy, and human health have been adversely affected by climate change, thereby significantly affecting the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of our national sustainable development. 

The NAPA will complement the efforts of the government through the following: (1) contributing to the security of the vulnerable Zambians; (2) ensuring that the livelihoods of the most vulnerable households are secured against the adverse effects of climate change and their basic needs assured; (3), vulnerable groups are protected from the worst impacts of risks and shocks as a result of climate change; and (4) creating public awareness of the adverse effects of climate change. It is hoped that the formulation of NAPA will not be seen as an academic exercise but a serious step towards addressing the urgent and immediate needs of our country against the backdrop of climate change. On behalf of Government I would like to appeal to the international community, our cooperating partners, and other stakeholders to support the NAPA through the implementation of intervention projects identified in the document so that adaptation to climate change is enhanced. 

Zambia has experienced a number of climatic hazards over several decades. The most serious have been drought, seasonal floods and flush floods, extreme temperatures and dry spells. Some of these, especially droughts and floods have increased in frequency, intensity and magnitude over the last two decades and have adversely impacted on food and water security, water quality, energy and the sustainable livelihoods of rural communities.

Zambia has developed its NAPA by evaluating the impacts of climate change on the relevant sectors and using Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA), has ranked the identified most urgent needs to prioritize ten immediate adaptation interventions. The sectors that were analyzed are agriculture and food security (livestock, fisheries and crops), energy and water, human health, natural resources and wildlife.

Assessment of climate change/variability for Zambia’s three ecological regions, in particular, precipitation for both baseline (1970-2000) and projected (2010-2070) scenarios covering agriculture and food security, human health and natural resources and wildlife was conducted. 

Source: Zambia NAPA (October, 2007)

Climate Related Hazards

  • Droughts
  • Floods
  • Extreme Heat
  • Shorter Rainy Season 
  • Main Human Vulnerabilities and Livelihood Impacts
  • Agriculture and Food security
  • Natural resources
  • Wildlife
  • Forestry
  • Human Health
  • Water and energy
Infrastructure/Climate Change Risk Management
Level of intervention
  • National
Key collaborators
  • Country Office
  • National Governments
Primary beneficiaries:

Through improved capacity building and project identification, government agencies and other actors will increase their abilities to insulate at risk urban and rural populations from the adverse effects of climate change.

Implementing agencies and partnering organizations
  • Government of Zambia
  • Zambia Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources
  • Global Environment Facility (GEF)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Project status
Financing amount
Co-financing total


Key results & output

Project Components:

  • Identify the priority vulnerable sectors to climate change, in the context of sustainable development and national development needs
  • Formulate priority projects for adaptation to climate change that are consistent with development goals
  • Build technical and institutional capacity to design and implement adaptation programmes addressing longer-term climate change
  • Promote an interdisciplinary approach to reduce climate vulnerability in the priority sectors through active stakeholders engagement.

Expected Outputs:

Output 1: National NAPA team with a lead agency established

  • Activity 1.1: Appointment of the NAPA team with lead agency
  • Activity 1.2: Recruitment of the NAPA Team
  • Activity 1.3: Organize orientation workshop on the NAPA Process and finalize workplan

Output 2: Multidisciplinary assessment team established

  • Activity 2.1: Recruitment of Experts

Output 3: Report on synthesis of adverse effects of climate change

  • Activity 3.1: Collect and synthesize data and information on vulnerability and adverse effects of climate change
  • Activity 3.2: Identify past and current practices for adaptation
  • Activity 3.3: Identify information and data gaps
  • Activity 3.4:. Develop adaptation baselines
  • Activity 3.5: Select the relevant stakeholders
  • Activity 3.6: Prepare a preliminary synthesis report

Output 4: Report on Assessment of Vulnerability to current climate variability

  • Activity 4.1: Establish mechanisms for stakeholder consultation
  • Activity 4.2: Undertake interviews/surveys to assess vulnerability
  • Activity 4.3: Carry out damage surveys where applicable

Output 5: Report of Key Climate Change Adaptation Measures

  • Activity 5.1: Identify preliminary adaptation measures and evaluation criteria
  • Activity 5.2: Derive risk profiles
  • Activity 5.3: Report on the preliminary adaptation measures

Output 6: Mechanism for Country driven criteria and plan of action for selecting priority activities to address the adverse effects of climate change established.

  • Activity 6.1: Agree on evaluation criteria
  • Activity 6.2: Select priority adaptation measures

Output 7: Proposals for priority activities developed

  • Activity 7.1: The multi-disciplinary team develops the ranked adaptation measures into proposals

Output 8: NAPA document

  • Activity 8.1: Establish a NAPA Document Editorial Committee
  • Activity 8.2: Hold NAPA editorial meetings
  • Activity 8.3: Hold a consultative workshop with all stakeholders on the NAPA document.
  • Activity 8.4: Conform NAPA document to UNFCCC guidelines
  • Activity 8.5: Translate NAPA into at least six main vernacular languages and publicize NAPA on mass media
  • Activity 8.6: Submit NAPA document to the UNFCCC and implementing agency.

Priority Adaptation Projects

  • Strengthening of early warning systems to improve services to preparedness and adaptation to climate change 
  • Promotion of alternatives sources of livelihoods to reduce vulnerability to climate change/variability to communities living around GMAs 
  • Adaptation to the Effects of Drought in the context of Climate Change in Agro-Ecological Region I of Zambia
  • Management of critical habitats
  • Promote natural regeneration of indigenous forests
  • Adaptation of land use practices (crops, fish, and livestock) in light of climate change
  • Maintenance and provision of water Infrastructure to communities to reduce Human-Wildlife Conflict 8. Eradication of Invasive Alien Species
  • Capacity building for improved environmental health in rural areas 
  • Climate proofing sanitation in urban areas


Reports & publications

Videos & multimedia

