The overall purpose of the project is to contribute to a better understanding of the Lake Balaton ecological and socio-economic system’s vulnerability and resilience arising from multiple forces of global and local change, including land use, demographic, economic and climate change and build capacity for more effective policy-making and adaptation measures in response. The project is complementing ongoing policy initiatives and scientific research, and has a clear niche by focusing on better understanding the vulnerability of the Lake and its watershed from an integrated perspective. Climate change is seen as one of the emerging important determinants of vulnerability, but its impacts are considered in the broader context of sustainable development. Through its training component the project will lead to measurable improvements in vulnerability assessment and adaptation capacity, and on-the-ground results will be achieved through initiatives financed by a small grants program using innovative financing mechanisms, such as public-private partnerships. Longer-term impact will be ensured by integrating criteria related to adaptation to global change into the regular grant-making activities of the Lake Balaton Development Council. Due to Lake Balaton’s high profile and a focused engagement and influencing strategy, the project will significantly increase awareness of climate change impact, vulnerability and adaptation issues locally, nationally and internationally.