In Bangladesh, many communities are situated close to the shoreline and reliant on agriculture and fishing for their livelihoods. Rising sea levels and changes in the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones are raising the incidences and severity of flooding, salt water intrusion and erosion, not to mention loss of livelihoods, shelter and life.
The ‘Forest, Fish, and Fruit’ (FFF) model is a successful community-based adaptation option for coastal communities in Bangladesh. By planting protective and productive vegetation, with an elevated mound and ditch structure and interspersed fish nursery ponds, the FFF model has established a ‘green shield’ surrounding some of Bangladesh’s most vulnerable communities.
14,350 households in 4 vulnerable districts are able to use the FFF model and complementary adaptation measures (such as improved varieties of agricultural crops and livestock) to manage and protect their natural capital in a changing climate.