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Project component 1 focuses on developing national capacities for improved management and implementation of the three Rio Conventions by developing global environmental management indicators as part of the Montenegro's environmental governance regime. Component 2 of the project is a complementary capacity building set of activities, developing individual and institutional capacities to use global environmental management indicators as a monitoring tool to assess the intervention performance and institutional sustainability.

Montenegro's National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) identified a number of common weaknesses in the national implementation of the Rio Conventions. As a result, the NCSA Action Plan prioritized a suite of national cross-cutting capacity development actions. The top priority action identified was to harmonize the country's environmental legislative framework so that it becomes fully compliant with Rio Convention commitments. This project will be an important contribution to this objective by developing and piloting the application of global environmental management indicators that will help Montenegro assess the extent to which policy interventions are achieving global environmental benefits.