Concept Note - October 2012
This programme is supported by UNDP's Energy and Environment Group in collaboration with USAID's ADAPT ASIA-PACIFIC Programme.
The objective of this UNDP-USAID programme is to strengthen the capacity of technical officers in Ministries of Planning/Finance as well as line Ministries (Environment, Agriculture, Water, Public Works, and others) to understand the economics of adaptation as it relates to medium- and long-term national, sub-national and sectoral development plans as well as in evaluating different adaptation investment projects.
The approach adopted in this capacity building programme is based on the following key elements:
- Training of technical officers at the national and sub-national level to estimate the economic costs and benefits of climate change impacts as well as adaptation options
- Support technical officers at the national/sub-national level, including others, to assess the costs and benefits of climate change adaptation options to promote learning by doing
- Establishment of a region-based training programme that is housed within an appropriate learning centre in the region that can provide continous technical advisory support
- Convene policy dialogue forums with Ministries of Planning/Finance and line Ministries at the country and regional level to discuss the economics of adaptation in the context of national and sub-national medium and long-term national development plans
- Develop a virtual community of practice of technical officers workng on the economics of adaptation in Asia
- Identify investment projects for adaptation that can be financed from current and emerging sources of funds.
For more information click on the links below.
Resource Type
- Programme Outline