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The 6th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum took place from 17 to 19 October 2018, at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Headquarters in Manila, Philippines. This is the sixth flagship biennial event of the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN), which constitutes the primary regional platform for adaptation practitionersto share adaptation knowledge and collaborate to address the challenges and opportunities of climate change.
Co-hosted by the Government of Palau, the Philippine Climate Change Commission, and ADB, together with the APAN secretariat at UN Environment, the Forum is the largest gathering of adaptation practitioners in the Asia and Pacific region. The 2018 Forum theme was ‘Enabling Resilience for All: Avoiding the Worst Impacts’, and featured interactive sessions, panel discussions, knowledge exchange, and an exhibition of adaptation technologies. 
This Summary Report was compiled by the APAN Secretariat and brings together Forum highlights, lessons learned in key aspects, and takeaways from the 6th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum.