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First Regional Training Workshop (11-14 Mar 2013)

The First Regional Training Workshop, titled “Assessing Costs and Benefits of Adaptation: Methods and Data”, is the first of a series of workshops of the 2-year Capacity-Building Programme on Economics of Climate Change Adaptation. It will take place in Bangkok, Thailand, from 11 to 14 March, 2013.

The First Regional Training will focus on methods that can be used to analyze long-term economics of adaptation in the agriculture and water sectors and the data that will be required to do so. Multi-disciplinary technical “Country Teams” in 12 participating countries will be provided with practical skills in preparing cost-benefit and economic analyses for adaptation interventions to inform medium and long-term climate investment planning in the afore-mentioned sectors. Participating countries include: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Prior to the workshop, teams will closely coordinate to develop Concept Notes, in which they present the adaptation projects that will be used as case studies for the application of cost-benefit analysis. They will also select a specific watershed to study and will be prepared with basic information of climate change effects in the agriculture sector of their country. The training will provide hands-on, practical exercises on these case studies, as well as lecture-like modules. After the workshop, mentors will be assigned to provide technical support to country teams in undertaking in-country tasks, mainly related to data collection and application of the analytical skills on project and sectoral evaluations.


First Regional Meeting Workshop (11-14 Mar 2013)


Presentations of Day 1 (11th Mar 2013)


Presentations of Day 2 (12th Mar 2013)


Presentations of Day 3 (13th Mar 2013)


Presentations of Day 4 (14th Mar 2013)


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