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CBA contributes to UNFCCC COP17 in Durban

November 2011

At the UNFCCC COP 17 in Durban, South Africa held on November-December 2011,the CBA Project shared collaboration and advocacy strategies on Gender and Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change.  The UNDP CBA Project Team partners with the UNDP Gender Team to mainstream gender in CBA small grant projects.  The partnership initiatives include: 1.) Developing knowlege products for policymakers and development practitioners; 2.) Raising awareness of the importance of integrating gender and CBA through presentations at global CBA meetings; 3.) Building the capacities of project staff in the field including the SGP National Coordinators and UNVs on gender, climate change and CBA through annual trainings; 4.) Identifying gender-specific vulnerabilities in the formulation of CBA projects and integrating gender-inclusive adaptation practices into implementation of CBA projects with regular monitoring and evaluation and 5.) Collecting gender-disaggregated data on climate change impacts and CBA project outcomes.