This Handbook was produced by the World Bank in 1998. According to the document “the goals of this Handbook are (a) to provide WB staff with analytical tools that are solidly grounded in economic theory, yet practical and simple to use, and (b) to make the approach to the economic evaluation of projects more transparent. The Handbook offers a set of usable tools that integrate financial, economic, and fiscal analysis and permit analysts and decision makers to look at a project from the perspective of various stakeholders, particularly the implementing agency, the fisc, and society in general. Because the Handbook is intended to be a practical guide to economic project evaluation, all of the techniques presented in it have been tried and applied in the field.”
Authors: Pedro Belli, Jock Anderson, Howard Barnum, John Dixon, Jee-Peng Tan
Operational Core Services Network, Learning and Leadership Center
January 26, 1998