Climate change and climate variability are impacting agriculture production in Belize; therefore, it is imperative for the government of Belize to implement actions aiming to reduce the vulnerability of the agricultural sector. Institutional strengthening and improved technical capacities in the agriculture sector of Belize can improve the country’s ability to respond to climate risks and take advantage of opportunities that could emerge in the long-run.
The Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) approach can be seen as a strategy to respond to climate risks. This approach seeks to answer the question “What steps can be taken now to move towards a more sustainable future in agriculture considering climate risks?” (FAO 2016). Building and implementing CSA adapted to local conditions can improve the existing agro-ecological, and socio-economic situation of local communities in Belize.
The government of Belize is interested in using Farmer Field School (FFS) to promote the CSA approach since this methodology has been identified as the most suitable method to work with farmers. Opposed to traditional training approaches that primarily focus on unidirectional teaching/learning processes where the participants (farmers) are passive recipients of information, FFS builds on adult education principles and provides opportunities to put together concepts, methods, and practical experiences. It reinforces the understanding of different topics through field learning exercises, experiments and multiple interactions among the farmers who are organized in a group or a FFS.
In order to facilitate the implementation of FFS to promote CSA in Belize, two documents have been produced: (i) a Training Manual on CSA, and (ii) this curriculum.
The purpose of this FFS curriculum for CSA is to support and guide technicians from the extension service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Immigration (MAFFESDI), and other institutions in fostering the Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) approach. It provides information on how to establish and run FFS, as well as the general requirements needed to implement capacity building and adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) innovations. The specific innovations are 25 top agriculture practices that were prioritized by farmers, technicians, and experts in Belize and that are contained in the training manual mentioned above.