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Official Handover of Maiana`s Resource Management Plan And Constitution to the Island Council, May 2020

Tarawa, May 2 2020 The island of Maiana has hosted a celebratory feast at the island council`s Maneaba (Te Ingungu n Tabwakea 2), marking the official handover of their island’s Resource Management Plan policies.

Attended by councils from villages and officers from the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development (MELAD), the handover was conducted between the leader of “Te Bau n Maiana,” and the Director from the Environment and Conservation Division (ECD).

The policies focus on the safeguarding of natural resources that could benefit and be used by locals. As part of the trip, the MELAD team joined the leader of “Te Bau n Maiana” in visiting the 12 villages of the island raising public awareness about the purpose of the policy.

During the handover celebration, the leader of “Te Bau n Maiana” said that his island is ready to initiate their policies with all costs. The Director from ECD- MELAD emphasised the involvement of the Environment and Conservation Division in guiding and supporting Maiana with their new island policies.

The island policies link closely to other related environmental policies that council of Maiana is working on.

As part of the presentation to the council, the Ministry of Women, Youth, and Social Affairs gave confirmation certificates to Te Bau-ni-Maiana as a recognition that their organization is part of any policy initiatives on the island.

The hope for this island policy in Maiana is a two-way initiative with MELAD through the Environment and Conservation Division in safeguarding and protecting natural resources for future generations.

The LDCF2 project is funded with the support of the Global Environment Facility-Least Developed Countries Fund and implemented with the United Nations Development Programme. Its goal is to build the adaptive capacity of vulnerable Kiribati communities to ensure food security under conditions of climate change.

For more information and photos, please contact; Teitirake.Kabwaua
Phone # 73037367