The creation of a National Communication offers countries the opportunity to contribute with technically sound studies and information that can be used for designing mitigation and adaptation measures, and project proposals that can and will help increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change. Activities generally include: V&A assessments, Greenhouse Gas Inventory preparation, Mitigation Analysis or Education, and awareness raising activities.The ultimate goal is the integration of climate change considerations into relevant social, economic and environmental policies and actions.
Nicaragua's Second National Communication presents future climate change scenarios for Nicaragua for the 21st century. It includes vulnerability and adaptation studies to climate change for the water sector and it presents mitigation options in protected areas of the country, forestry and agriculture as well as a description of the National Climate Change Action Plan. It is predicted that climate change will result in an increase in the frequency and severity of natural disasters, most notably hurricaines, rainfall variability, and rising sea levels, all of which will have significant impacts on the progress of development.