Northern Group Senior Students SRIC CC Proposal Writing Workshop, 27 - 31 July 2015
The Te Maeva Nui event in July, where many of the outer island students congregate on Rarotonga, presented a great opportunity for Climate Change Cook Islands (CCCI) to host a week-long workshop. The objective of the workshop was to give senior students the opportunity to - build their awareness of issues relating to climate change, develop their research skills, and to capture the interest of students with the various disciplines involved as potential careers for them. In addition, it was the intention that the workshop would lead to the development of a climate change related project for their respective islands. Through this workshop, students were expected to work with the local government, elders, various groups on their respective islands, and experts from various fields to guide them through the development of a concept note that would be developed into a full proposal at a later stage.
Resource Type
- Programme Related Events