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P-CBA Planning Meeting, 29-31 January 2014 Suva, Fiji.

This P-CBA Planning meeting was held at the USP Campus of Suva from the 29th to the 31st of January and it represents the official start of the P-CBA Initiative. Participant countries, CROP agencies, partner organizations and donors gathered and discussed to:

  1. Inform the overall design of the P-CBA initiative (course content, delivery mechanism and long term sustainability strategy);
  2. Define preliminary country workplans;
  3. Identify further support by donors and development partners.

Main Documents:

Day 1 Presentations (29 January 2014): 



Day 2 Presentations (30 January 2014): 


Day 3 Presentations (31 January 2014): 


Resource Type

  • Programme Related Events