Under the Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project funded by the Green Climate Fund, Funafuti island was selected for coastal protection infrastructure based on its concentration of economic, social, political and institutional assets.
Previous feasibility studies including hydrodynamic and coastal processes, an ESIA, and financial and economic analysis highlighted the suitability of large-scale reclamation as the recommended coastal adaptation measure for Funafuti. This detailed design report contains the basis of design, structure parameters and the project implementation framework. In summary, the Funafuti interventions will consist of:
- A bunded reclamation located on the Vaiaku Foreshore to the east of the QEII reclamation in Funafuti, consisting of approximately 270,000m3 of sediment sourced from the Fogafale lagoon within 2Nm of the project site. Approximated dimensions of the reclamation are 700m x 100m raised at its highest point to 5.8m TGZ at crest of reclamation.
- The design of the reclamation bund design incorporates stacked geotextile mega containers fronted by a protective revetment consisting of stacked 2.5m3 GSC units.
- Drainage slopes and channels are to be levelled into the reclamation surface to cater for flows from the reclamation itself, the adjacent village and QEII reclamation.
- A small boat harbour has been designed along the eastern extremity of the reclamation catering for small vessels. The harbour consists of a floating modular dock system abutting the GSC reclamation bund. A 30m long rock breakwater protects the harbour, the rock is to be sourced from the two rock groynes on Tausoa Beach.