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Reports and Publications of relevance to Country Teams

Thailand SCALA Inception Report

This Inception Report complements SCALA Thailand project documentation with the outcomes of the inception activities. It specifies the inception activities undertaken by UNDP and FAO, in close collaboration with two focal government agencies appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MoAC) – which are the Agricultural Economics (OAE) and the Land Development Department (LDD) to determine the scope and areas of SCALA programme implementation in Thailand.

Egypt SCALA Inception Report

This Inception Report complements SCALA Egypt project documentation with the outcomes of the inception activities. It specifies the SCALA inception activities undertaken by FAO and UNDP, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv), Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MALR), and Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWRI) to determine the scope and areas of SCALA programme implementation in Egypt. The report summarizes in-country consultations to determine the country’s priorities and needs and take stock of existing data availability and expertise.

Mongolia SCALA Inception Report

This Inception Report complements SCALA Mongolia project documentation with the outcomes of the inception activities. It specifies the inception activities undertaken by UNDP and FAO, in close collaboration with with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (MoFALI) and Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) to determine the scope and areas of SCALA programme implementation in Mongolia.

Senegal SCALA Inception Report

This Inception Report complements SCALA Senegal’s project documentation with the outcomes of the inception activities. The report is available in French and also has an Executive Summary available in English. It specifies the SCALA inception activities undertaken by UNDP and FAO, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equipment in Senegal. 

State and Trends in Adaptation Report 2021: Africa

How Adaptation Can Make Africa Safer, Greener and More Prosperous in a Warming World

Enhancing Climate Resilience: Experiences from the SGP's Community-Based Adaptation Programme

For the past 10 years, local communities and societies have been investing in resilience-building with support from the Small Grants Programme (SGP), which is supported by the Global Environment Facility and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, with partnership and funding from the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

CLIMATE SECURITY IN THE HORN OF AFRICA - Perspectives on Addressing Climate-Related Security Risks from the Horn of Africa

There is an increasing consensus that the human security risks of today will be the hard security risks of tomorrow.

Gender, Climate & Security: Sustaining Inclusive Peace on the Frontlines of Climate Change

Climate change is a defining threat to peace and security in the 21st century – its impacts are felt by everyone, but not equally. Gender norms and power dynamics shape how women and men of different backgrounds experience or contribute to insecurity in a changing climate. Grounded in a series of case studies from research and programming experience, this report offers a comprehensive framework for understanding how gender, climate and security are inextricably linked.

Is a green recovery in Africa possible after Covid-19?

Africa is hard hit by the Covid-19 crisis and especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change. A new report suggests ways the continent can build back better as it recovers.

An ambitious plan to ensure stimulus spending in Africa is used to ‘build back better’ after Covid-19 has been unveiled. Backed by 54 African leaders and championed by President Ali Bongo Ondimba of Gabon, the recommendations were issued by the Global Center on Adaptation and African Adaptation initiative.

Evaluación económica inicial de los efectos de COVID-19 y alcance de las opciones de política en Costa Rica

Con el fin de generar evidencia que permita la toma de decisiones sobre los desafíos que supone la pandemia, el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) en Costa Rica, presentó este martes el más reciente análisis “Evaluación económica inicial de los efectos de COVID-19 y alcance de las opciones de política en Costa Rica”, estudio que registra la identificación de los canales de transmisión, los impactos económicos que se vislumbran y opciones de política pública para la atención de la emergencia.